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I don't want to.

I honestly don't fucking want to be so accustomed to the low building feeling.

The fear.

The fear that I feel whenever a guy compliments.

But I feel flattered when a girl does.

That when a guy passes me on the street I unconsciously curl into myself and prepare for the worse.

But when I see a girl on the street I admire her.

I admire her for walking on the street the way she does.

A part of me is still so use to only trusting women.

Because I've been told my whole life to fear men.

And when I try to convince myself that I shouldn't.

I can't stop.

Because it's still so real.

And it makes me want to throw up.

The feeling I get when I'm around men.

The feeling that I have to hide.

The feeling that things could easily go wrong.

It happens all the time, way too often, so what's different about me?

But not all guys are bad.

But even good guys grow sharp teeth when told no.

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