Anise and Chamomile

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These characters are not my property okee...

Raven was absolutely exhausted, both physically and psychically. The battles today had wiped her out of course but the added burden of healing her teammates didn't help much. They were all minor injuries. A cut here, a scrape their and the odd dislocated shoulder from Robin wasn't typically all that hard to fix but it was tiring and verging on painful to do when she had just been teleporting citizens out of harm's way while making sure her teammates were in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. Of course she could have refused to heal her friends but she wanted to be there for the team in whatever way she could. Her brush up with death had left her feeling like she had so much work left to be done in her life and it all started with the team. She had to be a valuable asset to them now that they had saved her life; not that she wasn't already valuable to them and not just for her powers. Still she herself had been the one to offer her healing talents for a quick fixup. Though her worn out appearance has garnered some questioning expressions; mostly from the boy wonder, they inevitably agreed that some healing would help them be better prepared in case any big baddie got any ideas based on the criminal atmosphere that night.

That's how Raven ended up positively slumped over in her bedroom, slightly loopy from expending so much of her psychic energy. Still loopy or not Raven was a master of herself and she recognized that after such a trying day she would need some meditation to realign her thoughts and emotions. She no longer needed to train to block out her emotions and was rather training to let some of them out but she still felt the need for some realignment at times. She was also too afraid to try going without meditation and for all intents and purposes she was just fine with the continuance of that habitual activity. If nothing more it at least helped her feel better. She crossed her legs and sunk into the lotus position.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos," Raven chanted cooly under her breath. She continued her chanting, trying to loosen up and find her inner balance but her hands kept twitching on her thighs. She sighed deeply and tried again.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos." Still, her hands wouldn't seem to keep still and so she thought maybe she ought to put the meditation aside for a moment and brew herself a strong cup of herbal tea. With an inaudible swish of her cape she gently floated down through the floor of her room and towards the kitchen.

She sighed a breath of relief when she saw it was empty which meant she would continue with the task at hand undisturbed. She hummed lightly as she poured water into her kettle and brought it to a boil on the stovetop. She pilfered through her drawer of teas and picked out a sweet smelling blackberry tea bag before returning it to the drawer in exchange for a little bag of anise and chamomile. That would help her relax now and then sleep well later and aside from that she didn't really have many of the blackberry variety left. It smelled wonderful and would be a top competitor were she ever to rank her favorite teas but she was trying to conserve it until she could get her hands on more. Her eyes wandered over to the infusers Beast Boy had gifted her and contemplated using the green sloth that reminded her so much of him before ultimately deciding to go with the purple paper sailboat look alike. She filled up the little ship with its cargo and a whistle from the kettle seemed to signal that it was time to set sail. Black energy encased the kettle as it wandered over to Raven's favourite mug. Steam and hot water spilled out creating a tiny ocean and she felt the muscles on her back loosen in anticipation. She walked over to the mug, infuser in hand and plunked it down, smiling as it bobbed in the water.

"All aboard the S.S. Garfield," she thought with a soft smile on her face.

She shook her head briefly, cheeks flaring up almost unnoticeably and forced herself to try not to think too much about that embarrassing thought. She moved the kettle into the sink hastily and gracefully floated back through the ceiling and into her bedroom. The sweet embrace of her room's familiarity comforted her the moment she was inside, pushing any awkwardness from her mind. She hovered over lazily to her desk chair and sat, swiveling around as her tea scorched her throat.

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