Chapter 5

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Whitepaw's perspective

"Where should we go Frostwisker?" I asked. I was so happy! Finally I can show the clan how great I am!

"How about," he was thinking, I know that for a fact cause he paused. "Hollow Trees?" he smiled. "It's the place where I was trained as an apprentice. And your mother was trained their too!" he exclaimed.

"Okay!" Joy shot through me.


Frostwisker and I padded up to Hollow Trees, I looked around to see their were a lot of herbs. I knew some of them. Like: Dock, which is chewed then used to soothe wounds. Marigold, which is a bright yellow plant, you chew the plant and apply the juice on infections, it immediately stops the infection! I learned all of this while I was with Rainleap, the talented medicine cat-

My thoughts were cleared as Frostwisker spoke.

I shook my head. "Pardon?" I smiled in curiosity.

"Are you ready to start your training?" he repeated. "Yes!" I meowed with joy.

"Okay let's go into the clearing, and start. I'll show you some moves, then you copy. ok?" His meow was strict, but welcoming. "Ok!" I meowed, excitement and joy over come me and I bounce like a kit to the clearing.

He stood on the opposite side of the clearing than me. "Show me what moves you know," he spoke with curiosity, and encouragement.

I nod, and jolt towards him. Unsheathed claws. 'I am ready to fight! For my clan! For Stormstar! For Frostwisker!' I told my self, still running towards him. I jump and land on his back. He wiggled and tried to get me off of his pelt.

He soon rolled over and squashed my tail and back paws. "MEROW!!" I screech in pain. He stands up and I jump off. I can see little spots of blood on his pelt. He sits and licks his paws, probably waiting for me to attack. "Good job Whitepaw!" he meowed, nodding his head towards me.

I pad up to him and notice he has some fur off of his back.

'What did I do!' I hissed in my head. 'I hurt him!'

"Whitepaw, I am very proud of you. and your father will be too, I will teach you some battle moves tomorrow. Go back to the camp, I will be their soon. Don't tell anyone." He said strictly.

I start to walk towards camp, looking back every few steps. When I could see him padding the opposite direction. I turn his way and follow him.


We were far from camp at this point. And I was sitting in the bushes, watching him, as he sat at the edge of the border.

Another cat padded up to him. "How's your apprentice?" The tom asked, his voice lowered.

"She's progressing."

"How was her first day training?" The StormClan tom said with curiosity, padding around Frostwisker.

"Ah, those marks. From her?"

He nodded in reply. "She will be strong, like no other she, I can tell you this. Her first day training and I already have scars." He hissed.

I moved in the bushes to get comfy, still keeping an eye on them.

But then, they both turn heads towards me. I panicked. 'What's the best thing I can do right now?!' I thought, I was so worried.

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