Chapter 18

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"Rosepaw?" Dimpaw whispered, worried.

"What?" She quietly meowed in reply. "What happened?" I asked. She looked up and nodded her head. "I'll tell you later."

"Rosepaw, what's wrong?" Sparrowpaw whispered, trying to fit in. I purred.

It's nice to see some-cat trying to fit into another clan. I thought.

I looked around the den and out the entrance for a while until the outline of a cat suddenly appeared- Frostwisker. "Whitepaw, ready to hunt?" He asked. "You bet." I'd like to hunt your fox-dung pelt off the territory! I thought.

"See you all later." I meowed looking back at them, after getting up and padding toward the den entrance.
"Hurry up!" Frostwisker hissed.

I padded out to the shimmering light of the sun among the leaves.

"Over here. Now." He hissed again. I obediently followed and made my way through the bracken. I pushed through, and made my way out. "Yes Frostwisker? What do you want." I asked with a hiss.

"You need to stop being a mouse-brain." He spat, claws unsheathed.

"I'm not a mouse-brain. If anycat is, it's you. Trying to act like you've done nothing wrong. But you have. What if I tell Berryheart about your attacking plans." I spat back, sitting down.

"You wouldn't. She was just getting to like me!" He hissed, right in my face. "Oh, but I would." I told him.

"Good, now create more anger from him." Redclaw came back and hissed in the background.

"Redclaw, if that is you just kill her already." Frostwisker backed up a-few tail-lengths away and sat down.

So he knew her.. And he can hear her...

"Why should I trust you son, you disobeyed me and my wishes." She spat back. Now appearing from the depths of the forest. "And she can get the job done!"

"She doesn't even know." His ears flat back. "And yet... I'm glad I
Killed you." He snarled to Redclaw.

Sorry it toke so long to finish. Homework is not pleasing over break. -.-

The pain from it is unbelievable. Yesterday I spent 8 hours on 3 projects... -.-

Well damn.
Marry Christmas! 🎁🎄🎅

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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