Chapter 10

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"Good," Redclaw muttered cheerfully, and mischievously. She smiled, she sort of had an evil grin...

What is she planing? I don't want to go back to camp though... I feel safer with her than my own camp...
Is this real?

"Go back to your camp young one. You've had a long day, and need some rest." She broke the silence.

What long day? Its only-


"Fox-dung! Stormstar, Rosepaw, and Cloverbreeze will be worried sick!" I spat as I looked up towards the out-coming silver pelt. It was so calming, but I was to worried about other things. I stood up and stretched out my pelt.

"It's okay young Whitepaw. You have much to learn. Go to your camp to reassure them." She said as she shot a caring glance toward me. "Thank you." I told her and rushed off towards camp.


I was pretty tired, and needed a rest. for I was half way there. "Run the rest home. You'll be fine," I heard her voice, calm and warming.

So I did as she told me, I ran the rest of the way to my Clan camp, passing once again, herbs, flowers and many trees.

I walked into the bracken walls of our camp, and suddenly Rosepaw, Cloverbreeze, Snaketail, and many others asking me questions like 'Where were you?' Are you hurt?' 'Did you eat?' And more.

The only thing that made me a bit scared was the fact that Stormstar and Frostwisker were talking outside of his den.


Everything stopped moving...

Then I saw her, Redclaw, her claws fully unsheathed, staring right at Fristwisker. "You must kill him. For the safety of your clan. It was the promise. Remember." She said softly, but went right back to hissing at Frostwisker, then disappeared.

I noticed I couldn't move either, so I just sat their, until everything started moving again.

The chatter continued as if it had never stopped. The leader and deputy were still talking at the HighStone.

This was going to be a long six moons...

Sorry for the short story...

Please comment if you like the story so far! Tell me wham i should fix, and more. I would appreciate it a lot.

I might have to quit wattpad for a while, as in not go on for a few weeks. Sorry.

I have homework to catch up on, and if I don't do it then I'll be spending my Christmas holidays at my grandmothers, doing that homework.

So... yeah... sorry.

:) as always.

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