A whole new world

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"Are you okay? Worried evident on her delicate face as she hands me the tea she prepped for me

"I'm totally fine." I say smiling half heartily yet somehow I know she's not convinced by my simple answer

Putting the steaming hot cup of tea beside one of the already cleaned tables at the bar I reach out for her hands and intertwine my fingers with hers "Ms. Yue, I promise you that I'm fine... it's just I'd... I'd never... felt such a euphoric.. a euphoric kind of feeling in my life before" stumbling over my words I finish off finding it damn ironic that a Literature Professor can't seem to find his words... but I'm being 100% honest even when I stumble through it, never had I felt something so grand before that as soon as my body felt the rush of release... I ended up passing out because of the overstimulation, my body's natural reaction was to just shut down.

"Fuckkkkk I just... maybe I got carried away this time Professor... I'm so fucking sorry... I... I... I don't know what the hell I was thinking, I was just so angry and so sc..." she stops herself before she says the last word... she was fucking scared, I could see it in her eyes than and I can see it in her eyes now as she looks so fucking helpless... who is this woman? Why do I feel such a need for her? Not just sexually but my soul yearns to protect her, and to just hold her close to me

"You don't have to explain anything to me that you don't feel comfortable doing Yue... I just... i know we've already crossed the line, professionally as student and professor but... just umm... just know that if anything you have a friend in me, and don't ever feel like your alone because your not..." Honesty protruding through my voice, still holding on to her hands I pull her closer to me and place her gently on my lap as she wraps one of her hands around my neck, an earnest look in her eyes as she brings her other hand and places it softly on my cheek, leaning into her touch I close my eyes, and she begins to caress my cheek with her thumb, moving it up and than down ever so gently.

YueYue's POV

"Professor look at me, just for a second." I say as I continue the motions on his cheek, feeling such a domestic feeing I hadn't felt in so long... fuck what am I getting myself into....

He looks at me with trusting and welcoming eyes "I doubt you'd feel the same if you knew my past, that dumb, vulnerable, and broken girl I was, you'd never feel the same way... much less look at me with such care... you'd fucking hate me, I promise." I say bitterly and defeated.

"YueYue the last thing I care about is who you used to be, I care about who you are now, how I feel when I'm with you, Hell I haven't known you long and my fucking body reacts to you with a simple glance, my mind and heart yearn to get to know YOU, regardless of your past; we all have a past, no one is perfect. I just want to be a part of you now wether it's just friendship or..."

Cutting him off I lean down and kiss him passionately our tongues slowly interlacing with one another, as I slowly pull back I realize, my body and mind crave for him just as much as he does for me... I'm so fucked.

He stands up gently as he wraps my legs around my waist, kissing my lips softly and he looks at me with pleading eyes, "you're so fucking perfect to me" He says as he begins placing gentle kisses on my face, carrying us to Cesar's office, placing me tenderly and smoothly on the ground in front of the small cackling fireplace "Don't  move sweetie, one sec." He runs out of the office and comes back with a throw blanket and a couple pillows

He lifts my head attentively and places a pillow underneath my head, hovering above me with a playful smile spreading across his perfect face, inching closer and closer as his nose finally touches mine he looks at me, "you look so good in my shirt YueYue, drives me insane to see how tiny you look in it" causing an eye smile to break free from my face I close the tiny space between us as our lips finally meet once again.

I've never had someone be so caring with me while being so intimate, what a different type of vulnerability, fuck maybe I should stop but before I let those thoughts consume me Professor Wang begins to slowly unbutton his shirt my breast becoming exposed

Dylan's POV

Slowly I begin to unbotton my shirt and her beautiful, delightful breasts spring free and I can't help but admire her as I always do, slowly trailing, wet kisses from her collarbone down to her tender chest, my tongue encircles her already hardened nipple, licking up and down, smoothly and slowly suctioning it into my mouth as my hand works on her other breasts, delectably and enticingly my thumb brushes over her nipple and a small whimper escapes her lips "mmmmm ahhhh" she says so faintly

Her back arching at my simple touches, never have I ever her seen her as needy and as sensitive as right now and it's so satisfying to me that I'm making her feel this way so much so that I can already feel myself dripping for her as my body aches for her, not yet though I want to make sure she satisfied

I bring my lips to hers and place a chaste and quick kiss as I let my hand trail to her wet and swollen mound, my digits encircling her clit and all I can focus on is her whimpering cries of pleasure as she drives herself into my fingers to feel more friction "hold on, we've only just started" glistening eyes stare back at me a small smile spreads across her face

I bring myself down to meet her throbbing wetness and keenly place my tongue on her slit licking once "ahhhhhh yessssss" escapes her lips as she places her hands on my hair and roughly pulls on it; and that's my cue to fully loose myself in her, my tongue begins to work on her swollen clit vigorously as I insert two fingers in her entrance and begin to feel her clench around my digits pulling in and out leisurely "Fuckkkkkkkk Professor what the hellllllll are youuuu doing to meeeee, aghhhh ohhhhh aghhhhhhhh" working my fingers at a faster pace my mouth sucks on her clit hard as I feel her juices explode all over my face and I continue suckling as much as I can she cries out "aghhhhh" knowing damn well I'm causing her to overstimulate but I fucking love every minute of taking care of her this way and soon she comes down from her high

"What the fuck was that? " she says breathily with a small tear escaping her eye as it trickles down her face... "I've never felt that way before" she begins chuckling

"We're not even close to being done sweetie, are you ready for round 2?" I say haughtily

"Am I ever.." she says pulling me in for a sweet kiss

I lay her back down and spread her legs wide as I position myself near her entrance "you're so ready for me, aren't you?" She says playfully "I'm always ready for you YueYue."

And with that I slowly slip in my angry and engorged cock into her, threading carefully as I want to make sure she still as comfortable and ready for me "ahhhh yessssss" she says a small groan escapes my lips "mmmmm fuckkk, you're always so tight for me sweetie"

I ram my dick into her slow as pleasure consumes us and her whimpers are heard loud and clear "I'm so fucking close aghhhh oh my god aghhh" and that's my cue as I pick up speed, I place my hands on her hips tightly as it gives me access to freely be able to drive her into me deeper "Fuck I'm cumming Professor, oh FUCKKKKKKKKK YESSSSSS OH MY GOD YESSSSSSSSSS AGHHHHHHHHH" she screams out and my thrusts get sloppy and harsher as I begin to chase my high releasing right after. "Oh Fuckkkkkkkkkkk" and with that I slowly pull myself out of her and lay dow right next to her pulling her into me as I kiss her forehead once more before we both drift off to sleep.

Guyssssssssss! Update finally my little sunflowers 🌻

I miss you all so much!!! How's everyone doing?! Please let me know I love interacting with you guys! Let's play catch up!!!! 🥰

Also I just want to say thank you for the never ending support you guys have given me both through comments on my stories and private messages, I love you all from the bottom of my heart seriously 💜

One more thing, do we see slight change in the  way their interactions are going now? Yes don't worry this is just a filler chappie for you all while I continue to work on YueYue's background story and we brushed softly on the subject of what happened to the Professor but once again don't worry we're gonna dig in a little deeper than that. I wanted to give you guys something as I continue to work on that.

I will have an update soon on Puzzle Pieces, because when I said we'd finish the story together I meant it 💜

Lmk how you guys liked this filler chapter 😘


-Marie 🌻

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