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He's had Jimin for a while, around a year to be exact and he'd broken him, mostly. But sometimes Jimin would have thoughts of the outside world every now and then, he'd think he's allowed to have his freedom and that's when Hoseok has to always stand up, crack him back to his pliant submissive boy again. And so that's what was happening at the moment.

Jimin was being a brat.

Hoseok knew when Jimin was in one of these moods he couldn't let him out of his sight, just in case. So Hoseok watched as Jimin spat out abuse at his guests, refusing to sit on the floor next to Hoseok but rather stomping off into the kitchen. And eventually Hoseok has had enough. Pulling the boy harshly by the arm he hears an involuntary whimper escape his mouth, tutting at his boy's behaviour.

"Go apologise to Namjoon and Taehyung right now, before I whip your ass sore."

A beat passed and then, "no, go away." It jolted something in Hoseok as Jimin replied without any hesitation. When he got into a mood like this he never really cared about the consequences, he just wanted to regain some control of his life.

Hoseok let out a chuckle, already knowing Jimin was going to be a piece of work. So, he begins to count.

Jimin's eyes widen as he realises what was about to happen. The seconds Hoseok was counting could mean anything, but it always had to be kept low because it was always unpleasant.

One time when Hoseok counted and it got to 30 seconds, Hoseok left Jimin tied up in the basement for 30 days, only coming down to give him food or fuck him. That time had been absolutely miserable for Jimin, sending him into a spiral and by the end of it all he could do was beg for Hoseok, beg for anything except to stay in the basement.

Another time when Hoseok got to 54, Jimin received 54 whips to his ass, leaving him bleeding and limping for the next week.

The only other time he'd done this, Jimin had spent a 25 minutes shivering in an ice bath, limbs almost going purple as he spent the rest of the night clinging to Hoseok's body heat with a stream of apologies slipping from his mouth, pliant and submissive for days.

Hoseok only did this when Jimin was being particularly disobedient, a slave throwing a tantrum did no one good in the household. So, keeping the number low was always what was ideal and Jimin's eyes widened as Hoseok surpassed 5, waiting for Jimin to begin moving. Jimin panicked, he really didn't want to go outside and apologise, he didn't want to give in just yet, but Hoseok just kept counting so calmly, making him sigh in frustration.

"Fine! Just-just stop counting!"

Hoseok watched Jimin with amused eyes, who wavered in his spot as Hoseok kept counting, only stopping - at 10 - once Jimin left the kitchen to go apologise. He could hear them from here count hear him apologise slowly to both of them, whimpering when Namjoon playfully smacked his ass, letting him know his apology was accepted. Jimin was always more afraid of Namjoon, had voiced it to Hoseok many times. It was probably because Namjoon's own slave was always covered in nasty bruises. Even now Taehyung had walked in limping, wincing when he kneeled on the floor next to Namjoon's seat. But Namjoon's slave was perfect. Hoseok's was....well he was perfect to Hoseok. He preferred the bratty type anyways. When Jimin returned from the dinner table back to the kitchen, Hoseok gripped his chin, staring at his boy.

"You're going to be good now, right?"

And he wasn't, he knew he could feel the uncontrollable tightness in his chest as he thought of defying the man in front of him.

But he nodded anyways, just to stay out of trouble - for now.

"Yes, sir. I'll be good."

Of course, that didn't last long. The four of them sat to eat dinner, Taehyung on the floor while Namjoon fed him with his hands. Jimin watched from the table, suddenly feeling embarrassed and self-conscious about being seated on a seat. He felt irritated, knowing he could have it worse, he could have it like Taehyung. The boy wasn't even wearing any clothes, for fucks sake. Jimin felt sick just watching him. Taehyung just took whatever came at him, and now he was merely a body, nothing of him remained. Or at least that's what Jimin thought, bitterly. Hoseok had been kind to him in comparison, but it wasn't something Jimin could digest and just appreciate.

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