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It had been a few weeks since the incident. Graduation had rolled over and Taehyung had put the whole ordeal behind him, choosing to make up for the guilt he felt by showering his girlfriend, Hyemi, with as much love as he could before he headed off to start applying for jobs. He spent everyday with her, trying desperately to erase the feeling of the hands on his hips, the cocks up his ass, the texts sitting idle on his phone. It was not that he missed it, no, he didn’t miss the best orgasm he’d gotten in his whole 23 years of living. No, it was just that, it was just, they’d done something to him. Taehyung could ignore it all he wanted during the day where there were plenty of distractions, but as soon as he headed back to his new apartment and sat alone in his bedroom, he couldn’t help but harden when his mind flicked over the memories that had been left on him. He would jerk off to the feeling of the two men on him, the feeling of dozens of eyes watching his every move. And when he’d cum with a strangled moan, he’d finally feel sated, drifting to sleep with the faces of the two men - Jimin and Jeongguk - in his mind.

Taehyung would wake up the next morning, lingering shame resting in his mind, his cheeks red as he’d clean up the mess from the night before. This repeated almost every night, to the point where he’d forgotten how to orgasm without imagining a certain bus ride. It was becoming an issue, especially for when he was to have sex with his girlfriend. He was meant to be thinking of the beautiful girl underneath him, but all he could picture was the evil smile of Jimin - or Jeongguk, he wasn’t actually sure who’s names were who.

Despite his obvious thirst for the two men at night, Taehyung hated himself and them every other moment of the day. He’d actually almost contemplated taking it to the police as sexual assault, but seeing as he’d not even protested, never told them to stop, he wasn’t even sure if he could fault them. He also didn’t want to face the consequences of people finding out what exactly had been done to him, so instead he carried on, as if he hadn’t been fucked against his will a mere three weeks ago. As if he hadn’t enjoyed every moment.

So Taehyung went on, attempting to put the situation behind him, save his few weak moments at night.


“Are you sure it’s this one, Gukk-ah? Why do all fucking school uniforms have to look so similar.”

“Yea, hyung. Look at that girl, she’s wearing the same one.”

Both Jimin and Jeongguk peered out of the car where they stood, watching the gaggle of high schoolers walk out of the school gates. Jimin sighed in frustration, seeing no familiar face walk out after twenty minutes of waiting.

“This is useless. Can’t we just track his IP down or something instead?”

“Hyung, our software is on the police watch list right now and you know it. As soon as log into any components of it, we’re going to be tracked down. We’ll have to do it this way.”

And Jimin knew that. He knew that they’d fucked up the last deal they’d had, and now the cops were lurking all over their asses. Not that it mattered, the police couldn’t touch them even if they tried. But it was still annoying and tedious to have to deal with them. Jimin rubbed his eyes. Jeongguk sensed Jimin’s frustration, feeling on edge himself as he glanced back to the third school they’d visited in the past week. He reached over from the driver’s seat to softly touch Jimin’s chin, turning Jimin towards Jeongguk, wiping his thumb over his bottom lip.

“Let’s head home for today, hyung. I’ll send someone to go find him. We’ll drag him to us if I have to, Jiminie hyung. I swear on my life.”

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