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Taehyung ran into the bus, breathless as the doors closed behind him three seconds later. He pushed his way through the crowd, finding himself a spot in the gaggle, bodies pressed up against him. He sighed, only 30 minutes of this torture and then he'd be off, be in the arms of his girlfriend. He smiled at the thought, adjusting his backpack on his shoulders as he gripped the pole in front of him tighter when the bus jerked slightly.

He could feel gazes boring into his back and blushed slightly, suddenly becoming more aware of the fact that he was in fact wearing his girlfriend's old school uniform. It had been the last day before his university graduation, coincidentally it had been his 23rd birthday too, and all the seniors in his hall had decided that they'd swap their old high school uniforms with the other gender just for a little fun, parading around campus with microphones in hand. It was his birthday, so he'd gotten a pink birthday tiara too to complete the look. When they'd left their university building as a crowd it hadn't been strange or weird but now as he stood in the midst of all the peak hour rush workers, he felt embarrassment creep up onto him as he nervously pulled down the short skirt down.

Taehyung pulled out his phone, texting back a few friends before the bus bumped roughly, making the man behind him sway into his backside. He felt himself get pushed into the chest of the tall man in front of him as he attempted to steady himself, feeling the bus rock roughly again. By the time he had managed to collect himself he felt even more tightly sandwiched between the men, hardly enough room for him to move his arms. He awkwardly pulled his phone from where it was trapped between the chest of the man in front of him and his own hand. He scrolled for a few more seconds, wrist in an uncomfortable position as he felt the breath of the man fall on the top of his head, the breath of the man behind him falling on his neck.

As the bus hit another set of turbulence, he felt the presence behind him shift slightly, the movement making his skirt ride up a little from the man's crotch area catching the bottom of it. He looked down only for his eyes to gawk as he glanced at the man behind him, taking in the short but handsome man, before looking down at the man's rock hard covered cock against his thigh. The man innocently looked back at him, before rocking back into Taehyung as the vehicle unsteadied again, hitting a sharp left. The man in front of him fell into Taehyung with the movement of the bus, forcing Taehyung to lean back into the man behind him, which only served to have his skirt ride up further from the man's cock. From here, the people sitting in the seats next to Taehyung could easily see his soft ass cheeks hanging out, could see his cute pink lacy underwear peeking out from underneath (his girlfriend took the uniform swap really seriously). Taehyung heard the man behind him let out a small groan as Taehyung quickly straightened back up, using his one free hand to push his skirt down, biting his lip when he accidentally knocked the man's cock.

Everything was fine for a few minutes.

Right as Taehyung thought that he must've been dreaming that any of that had even occurred, he felt the man's covered cock push his skirt up again, this time with more conviction. At the same time, the man in front of him seemed to also spring into action, reaching down to trace Taehyung's thigh with his finger. Taehyung gaped at the situation, desperately using the one hand that wasn't holding onto the pole to push his skirt down, then moving onto pushing the hand away. But as he would manage to get the hand to stop briefly, his skirt would be pushed up again, higher than before to show off his whole ass. And as he would push the skirt down, the hand on his thigh would start again but this time more forcefully and wandering, beginning to brush over Taehyung's soft cock and trace his inner thigh.

Taehyung instinctively brought his other hand down to stop both hands at the same time, but immediately yelped and put his hand back on the pole when he felt his balance tip, sending him straight into the man behind him, cock catching on his covered asshole.

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