Chapter 2: Lucifer's Casino

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Shoto Todoroki isn't what you'd call a happy boy. Far from it in fact. Powerful? Yes. Skilled? True. But happy? Not in the slightest by any means. Well...maybe not at all times at least. You see, while Todoroki was a hero in training, he never really followed all the rules. Not all the time. Especially if said rules were set in place by his father. 

Todoroki climbed out his window carefully using a path his older brother used to sneak out. Eventually he landed on the ground and moved silently past the gates as he had done time and time again. He kept the hood over his hair in order to avoid weird looks from people whom knew who he was. Being the son of the Number Two Hero wasn't all it was cracked up to be. He moved like a ghost among the streets. No one giving him a second glance. He just wanted to get out of that house for a bit. He needed to get out of that house. He continued walking for a while. Stuck in his own mind. Misery and loneliness eating away at the edges of his mind. "Heya there. You look depressed." Someone said. Todoroki turned his head slightly to see what appeared to be a masked man. "And what if I am?" Todoroki asked, lowering his voice to make himself sound older. The man held out a small folded up piece of paper. Todoroki glared at it in a suspicious manor, getting on guard. "If you truly wish to have a little fun and forget about who or what you are, go to this address." He said. Todoroki hesitated for a minute, weighing his options, before taking the paper. The man smiled. "You won't regret it." He said. And in the blink of an eye, the man vanished. Todoroki unfolded the piece of paper, and noticed the address would led him into the shady part of town. He thinks for a minute before changing his course. Having a destination in mind.  

Todoroki stood in front of what looked like an abandoned building. He doubled checked the address before sighing. Well that was an elaborate prank. He thought to himself. Suddenly he noticed someone else walking towards the building. He was about to call out to the person, telling her it was a joke, when she walked closer and the air around her rippled. She disappeared. Todoroki's eyes widened and he walked a bit closer before sticking his hand out, watching the air ripple and his hand disappear. He continued forward feeling the air around him change. Once it was back to normal, he was standing in front of, not an abandoned building, but rather a fixed up old building. It didn't look too flashy but it wasn't the run down appearance it was outside. He heard faint music playing from inside as more people walked into the building. He followed, noticing the jazzy theme of the music. What is this, Swing? He thought. Once he walked into the building he continued following the other people as they walked into an underground passage. The sign that was pointing down said, 'Lucifer's Casino'. A Casino? Isn't that illegal? Todoroki thought. He didn't get much time to dwell on it as more people began flooding in and pushing him along until he was inside. He was met with loud music and bright lights. The decor was flashy with multiple tables of card games, board games, and he even noticed a few people throwing darts. Multiple slot machines and other games doted the small establishment. Todoroki found himself drifting around, not sure where exactly he should be going. 

"Heya there. Never seen you around here before." A male voice spoke behind him. He turned to see a green haired male with black feathered wings. He was wearing a suit and on the top of his head was a dark grey halo with horns underneath it. He noticed a small devil tail swishing back and forth behind him. The male's eyes were a bright emerald green but held a weird sense of enchanting. There was something about those eyes, eyes that spoke of experience and knowledge beyond their years. "Um...yeah. First time here." Todoroki responded. The boy smirked a bit. "In that case, allow me to treat you to a game. Please, follow me." The boy started walking towards an empty booth in the corner of the Casino. Todoroki followed after him, not wanting to get lost in the lights, music, and ever growing crowd. The boy took a seat and gestured for Todoroki to set across from him. Once he did the male smiled, leaning on one hand. "So, ever play Poker before?" He asked, snapping his fingers. A dealer approached them swiftly with two sets of Poker chips and a pack of cards. "No...I was never really allowed to play games growing up." Todoroki responded, looking away. "Hm. Well that's too bad. Guess I'll have to teach you. Bring us a cheat sheet too." The boy said to the dealer. The female dealer nodded before leaving, returning shortly with a folded up piece of paper. She passes the paper to Todoroki, before placing the chips down and cracking open the box of cards. She started shuffling them. 

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