Chapter 4: Deals and Contracts

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~Third Person POV~

Lucifer's office was a dark room, a throne of sorts sitting behind a large desk. Many papers were on that desk, some of which in a language the others didn't understand. There were two bookshelves, one on each side of the room. Some books appearing to be in that different language, others of them having satanic markings on them. A red carpet was sitting under the desk and three chairs sat in front of it. There was a small torch in the back of the room with a strangely hot orange flame lit and that one flame seemed to be what was casting the light of the room. Lucifer sat in his throne-like chair before gesturing at the three chairs in front of him. Todoroki sat down while Shinso and Tokoyami gave eachother glances. They felt guilty, having dragged Todoroki into this without his consent. They should've known better than to challenge Lucifer and his employees. Lucifer smirked at the three males, specifically at Todoroki. "A bets a bet, a deals a deal. You two owe me, but I'm not entirely cruel." He said, snapping his fingers. Three blank rolls of parchment floated over to the torch in the back. "In exchange for your souls and services, I will grant each of you one wish. Tokoyami, you first. What is your wish?" Lucifer asked, one parchment floating into the fire. Tokoyami thought for a second before opening his mouth. "To have full control over Dark Shadow. Light or dark." He said. "Control over your own Quirk? I see you don't want to wait for the results of long training. Then again, who would? But I can offer you so much more than just control of your Quirk. Are you sure that's what you want?" Lucifer asked. Tokoyami nodded with shaky confidence. The fire roared around the parchment and Lucifer smirked, his dark eyes glowing as he mutters something in Latin under his breath. The parchment floats over, words scrolling across the blank surface along with a dotted line at the bottom. Lucifer plucks the newly formed Soul Contract from the air and stamps it with a blood red stamp. He then floats the contract over to Tokoyami, a quill appearing in his hand. "Sign on the dotted line, and your wish will come true." Lucifer said. Tokoyami had no other choice, at least this way he was getting something out of it. He signed the contract and with his signature in place, the contract glowed. It rolled up and teleported into Lucifer's hand. 

The second parchment floated into the fire. "Shinso, its your turn. What do you want?" Lucifer asked. Shinso stared at the blank parchment in the roaring fire. "I...don't want to be misjudged for my Quirk. I want people to see me for who I am. Not what my Quirk is. I want people to not be afraid of me unless I give them proper reason to be scared..." Shinso said. Lucifer nodded sadly. "Its not fun being the outcast, is it Shinso?" He asked, his eyes holding a deep rooted pain. "I was like you once...not too long ago. And yet it seems to have been a life time away now." He growled. "This I can do for you. I can make it so people don't fear your Quirk, that people will look and see you for who you are." Lucifer said, the contract floating over and repeating the process. But before it floated to Shinso, Lucifer smiled at him. "People didn't fear me for what my Quirk was...but they did judge me for it. I used to not have these pitch black wings....the grey halo, nor the horns and small devil tail." He said. "No...I used to be as pure as freshly driven snow. I was hopeful, helpful, but they didn't recognize me for what I could do. They judged me based on what I couldn't do." He growled. Shinso lowered his head. "And people judge me for what I could do...." He muttered. "Our pain is similar but different. Hence another reason this casino exists. To forget pain. To not have to care about society's rules and laws. But sign this contract Shinso, and people will finally see you for who you really are." Lucifer said. Shinso took the quill and signed his name. The contract rolled up and appeared in Lucifer's hand along with Tokoyami's. Lucifer smiled at both males. "You two can go now. Explore the Casino before you leave however, I'll have Flame show you around." He said, snapping his fingers. Flame opened the door. "You called sir?" She asked. "Show Shinso and Tokoyami around the casino a bit before they leave. And you boys remember to come back tomorrow so I can sort you into a suit and assign you jobs." Lucifer said. Flame and the boys nodded, her gesturing for them to follow her. They left the room leaving Todoroki and Lucifer alone. 

Lucifer smiled at the stoic male. "You've been quiet Shochan." He pointed out. "Didn't feel the need to say anything." Todoroki responded. Lucifer smiled kindly at him. "You don't have to form a contract with me if you don't want to. You're not the one who lost the bet." He said. Todoroki's eyes widened slightly. "However, do form a contract, and it'll be a bit...different from the others." Lucifer said. "Different how?" Todoroki questioned, eyeing Lucifer nervously. 

Lucifer and Todoroki had a close bond. They had become good friends over the few months Todoroki has been visiting the casino. But Todoroki understood that Lucifer wasn't someone you should normally mess with. "Different, in the sense of I don't want you as just a regular worker. I want you to work full time here at the casino as my right hand man." Lucifer said. "Full time?" Todoroki asked. "That's right. It means you can't go back home, and you can't go back to UA either." Lucifer confirmed. Todoroki stared at him. "Okay." 

Lucifer gave him a blank look. "Wait what?" He asked. "I said okay." Todoroki responded. Lucifer was quiet. "Okay then." He muttered. The third parchment flew into the fire. "What do you want?" Lucifer asked. Todoroki thought for a minute. "The rest of my family to be safe from my father." He said. Lucifer nodded. "Understood." The contract flew over to Lucifer and he put the stamp on it before sliding it to Todoroki, who signed without hesitation. "Welcome to the Casino staff. I look forward to working with you Shochan. Allow me to show you where you'll be staying." Lucifer said, standing up. The three newly formed contracts shelved themselves with a few others on the bookshelves. Lucifer led Todoroki to an upper floor of the casino where there was an assortment of doors. Lucifer opened one to show a blank room with a bed, a desk, a bookshelf, a nightstand, a closet, and a bathroom. "You can do what you wish with this room. The casino closes during the day and opens during nighttime. The night is still young so you have plenty of time to get settled in. Is there anything from your old home that you need?" Lucifer asked. "Outside of my other clothes, phone charger, and other necessities, no. Not really. Anything that I'd need from that place can get replaced easily, seeing how often I steal my father's credit card." Todoroki commented, pulling out Endeavor's credit card from his pocket. Lucifer smiled at him. "Understood. We can go shopping later and completely max that out if you want to spite your father." He said. "Y'know what? That sounds amazing. Lets do it." Todoroki said. "Already getting settled in your new role huh?" Lucifer commented. Todoroki just smirked a little.

Lucifer left him alone so that he could take a minute to process what had happened. But Todoroki was surprisingly unaffected. In fact, he was happy. The Casino had become like a second home to him. Somewhere to go when things got bad in his home. No...that house was no longer home. This was home. And he had full intentions of staying. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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