Chapter 1

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A few years has gone by sense the war had ended. I am 7 years old and my brother is 15, just starting high school at G-T High School. His name is Conner Mainski. People say we look similar but his hair is shorter and lighter than my hair. His eyes are really light blue, he has big ears. My hair is long a little curly on the tips of my vanes. My eyes change colors depending on my mood. Blue when I'm happy, green when I'm upset, and grey when I'm angry. My dad was a tall man with short grey hair and dark blue eyes. He didn't have a beard and he kept his chest shaved so no curls came over his shirt collar. My mom was kind of short with short curly hair and her ears pierced even tho she only wore her ear rings was when she got her new I.D. She had dark brown eyes and she was petite.

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