Chapter 2 the accident

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After years of working at the plant my mother has only been sick a couple of times and had to stay home few a few days or so. But every time I try to say in sick they still make me go to school and it sucked! Every time Conner said he was sick they would let him stay home. I guess he was better at it than I was. He would get hot water on a rag and rub it up and down his face to make it look like he was sweaty, and he would go to the bathroom and make gag noises and make it sound like he vomit. The truth was that he would get different stuff like corn or beans or both and mix them up in a cup and pour it into the toilet. Of course mom would check before he could flush, but it always seemed to work. "awe, you poor baby bless your heart!" She said this every time he was "sick" and honestly it sickened me a little to know he could get away with it but I couldn't. Today mom looked really sick and she was puking every where so we had to put a trash can and a bowl full of water and a rag beside her. Of course we gave her a 2 liter ginger ale to out on her stomach when she had nothing to throw up. I'm happy she stayed home (for the most part) because what happened that day will haunt me forever. Just like every morning dad would come out and say "have a good day and I'll see y'all later!" he would always say this with. big smile. Today I think it was the biggest. sense mom was sick he made breakfast and lunch for me and Conner. which wasn't bad he just gave left overs from night before. I think it was pizza and hamburgers. Anyways, me and Conner both looks at dad and told him we'd see him later, like always. Later never came. Instead something messed up at the factory blew up and killed the last of the Polish people, besides me my brother and my mom. as if my mom didn't feel bad enough being sick. Now she has to mourn my fathers death and look for a job.

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