Dark Reality continued

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Ever sense my brother started high school he has been really distant from me. We used to be best friends, going out into the yard and throwing the baseball or the football and sometimes playing wall ball which we had to stop because we accidentally broke the back door. "Hey Conner wanna go outside and play baseball or something?"

" Can't Johnny I'm going out with some friends, maybe next time." that was what he would always say and I hated it. Until he started high school I didn't think he had any friends except for me. When he stopped hanging out with me I felt a little depressed so I guess my eyes were green for a while. Well, mostly grey because I was angry that he didn't want anything to do with me anymore. The only time I think my eyes was ever two colors at the same time was when ever I saw my mom and dad in the morning sense they started working at this new factory that was kinda built to keep us Polish people busy. My mom would make lunch and set stuff up for me and Conner to eat for supper that night. Then she would kiss us on the head say bye and get in the car. My dad would look at me and Conner and say "Good morning, have a great day and I'll see y'all later." I don't know if that was the way he said bye or if he just hated saying good bye. "See you later dad!" me and Conner would both say at the same time. because we hated saying good bye also.

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