Chapter Eleven

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Normally when Jenny received a text message from Jamie saying that he was in trouble, she would completely ignore him until he came to his senses. When she received this message however it sent her barrelling into the Council Offices at record speed without even asking permission from Mac to leave the GazetteHeadquarters. Thankfully due to the rising temperatures, Jenny had swapped her heeled boots for ballet flats and was able to make the short journey even shorter. Upon entering the Council Office, she breezed past the oblivious receptionist and rounded the corner of the whitewashed walls to find Jamie pacing up and down outside Granddad Tom's office, wringing his hands together. When he caught sight of his sister, the relief on his face was apparent. Jenny took a deep breath and mentally pulled herself together before she walked slowly towards her brother.

'Oh thank God you're here.' Jamie said with a shaky voice as he reached out to grab Jenny's waiting hands. 'I'm in it big time now.'

'Just relax.' Jenny said, as she led Jamie to a nearby bench. 'Deep breaths and tell me exactly what Granddad said to you.'

'Ok...' Jamie breathed. He closed his eyes and breathed in time with Jenny's counting. 'He got Edward to call me, before I came in. Pip was already up and I tried best not to show him anything was wrong so he's none the wiser thankfully.'

'Jamie you're veering off the point darling.' Jenny tried to steer her brother back onto the topic as gently as she could.'

'Yeah, you're right I'm sorry.' Jamie pulled at his tie and ran his hand across his forehead to wipe away the tiny beads of sweat that were forming. 'Anyway,' he continued. 'Edward said that there had been some discrepancies found in a pile of paperwork. When I asked him what sort, he said that he wasn't at liberty to say and that Granddad wanted to see me immediately. I'm scared Jen.'

'Now don't jump to conclusions, this could mean anything.' Jenny tried to reassure him. 'It could be a spelling mistake on an order or something on the wrong shelf.'

'Not the way Edward was talking.' Jamie shook his head. 'This is really serious.'

'Just stay calm.' Jenny reinforced. 'I'll come in with you so you're not on your own.'

'What if Edward won't let you?' Jamie asked, sounding more terrified by the minute. Jenny looked at her brother with sarcastic eyes.

'Since when has that man ever said no to me?' she asked. Jamie took another deep breath and smiled weakly. But the smile once again turned to terror as he heard the door to the office opening. Edward stepped out looking glum and bowed his head towards his sibling.

'The Mayor will see you now Mr May.' He said. Jamie nodded and pulled his suit jacket down as he stood up. As Jenny went to follow her brother, Edward put out his hand.

'I'm sorry Mrs Hill.' He said. 'But this is a private meeting.

'Like hell it is.' Jenny replied, as she pushed past the tall man and into the office.

Granddad Tom stood facing his bookcase, hands behind his back and a stern look on his face, when Edward announced that his Grandson was present. The old man turned around to fix Jamie with a stare but was caught slightly off-guard when he saw Jenny standing at her brother's side. Trying to remain as stoic as possible, the old man pulled on the sleeves of his navy blazer and cleared his throat.

'Jenny my dear, as I am sure you are aware this is a private meeting.' Granddad Tom said, without a hint of emotion in his voice.

'I'm aware of that Granddad.' Jenny stated. 'But Jamie asked me to accompany him so I have.'

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