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"Who did this!?" We heard Andres voice yelled.

Showing  a clothe in his left hand he pointed at it with the right one , his face red with anger, he entered the dinner room where all the family was seated, even Eric was participating.

"Did what?"

His mother asked turning her head to him, we all did, not understanding why he had the sweatshirt in his hands.

He threw the sweatshirt on his mother lap making me frowned clenching my fists on the glass of wine she just served me.

I've seen the way he acted with her when his temper get the best of him and this time if he continued with this behavior toward her I'm sure it will not end well for him.

Taking a sip of my wine I looked at the clothes to understand what  the commotion was about as everyone else did.

Melanie took the sweatshirt holding it in front of her to see that there were an iron stain on it, like it burned. His mother sighed looking at him with soothen eyes.

"Baby it's nothing, we can buy another tomorrow, just put this one aside OK?"

She comforted trying to calm him down. But his face turned bright red if it was even possible when he heard that.

"No! I want this one! I don't want another one! I want this one back! It was my favorite!! They destroyed it! I want it back! Now!"

He screamed yell at her, his eyes wide opened popping the nerves on his temple, stamping his foot with every words he said.

Diverting my eyes away from this sight to calm the urge to put some sense in this young man head, I saw Frida walked in, plates in her hands visibly feeling insecure.

After laying the food on the table slowly from Alex side she looked at her, hands crossed with submission , like she was preparing herself to be fire.

"Ma'am I'm sorry, I didn't mean to burn it, it was an accident." Stuttering she bowed her head waiting the aftermath of what she said.

"Don't worry Frida, things happens, go now." Alex dismissively retorted.

Andrew didn't have it that way, he stepped forward shooting her a death glare.

"You did this!?! You piece of shit! You burned my clothes? Can't you do your works properly!? I swear..."

"Andres!" His mother shouted standing up.

"Stop it Andres!!" Alex also did a bit more sternly, mirroring her sister.

Not even acknowledging his mother's, he turned his body to face Alex smiling deviously.

"I will do what I want! You don't tell me what to do! You're not my mother nor my dad, so fuck off!"

He tauntingly challenged her. The  room get so quiet after his last word that you could hear something fly.

"Andres!" His mother yelled this time looking at him exhausted by his manners

"You don't talk to Alex like that! I won't tolerate it! From no one!" She scolded with a cold and stern voice.

"Soo..." Opening his arms dramatically, he look at her insolently, causing my blood to boil.

"...what? Huh... You think that I'm afraid of you? No, No and No! I... You can put that dinner of yours where I think."

Looking around I could tell by all the wide eyes fixated on him on bewilderment that he never get so far. Though Olivia and Caro didn't seems surprised, this means that his tantrums was certainly usually like this.

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