Part 2

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There was it again. This stench of blood, invading the young woman's nose as she stood in the middle of the countless corpses that had once been members of the Port Mafia. The smell of death caused Kouyou to grimace, however, she didn't mind it too much. This was part of her daily routine. The sight of dead men drenched in their own blood - it was normal. She was used to it. She didn't know anything else.

This was the world she belonged to.

Waiting for her superior's command, Kouyou stared at one of the corpses, not a single hint of emotion in her eyes as her expression remained cold as ice. Emotions were only a hindrance when it came to surviving in the Port Mafia. She felt nothing for the people lying dead before her feet. No pity, no sympathy, nothing. The only reaction that was expected of her was revenge. Not revenge for the fallen comrades, no. Revenge for the organization.

"Everyone that stands in the Port Mafia's ways is to be terminated! Every enemy that dares to attack our organization has to be killed! Every single one!"

Those were the Boss's words. The Boss's words were law to the members of the Port Mafia. Those who attacked members of the organization, attacked the organization itself. Kouyou clutched the umbrella in her right hand tighter, her brows furling by no more than a millimeter. The Port Mafia was her life. The darkness of this world was what kept her alive. Without this darkness, there was nowhere she could belong to. Revenge was one of the redhead's favorite hobbies. Almost every member of the organization knew that. She wasn't called the 'most dangerous woman of Yokohama' for nothing, after all.

"Ozaki-kun her superior finally spoke up, catching the young woman's attention as she directed her gaze back to the tall man standing next to her. "I have been informed that one of the enemy's organization, that was involved in this attack, has been caught. I'll leave it to you to get all the necessary information out of him. Report to me once you're done with him."

A dangerous smile was forming on Kouyou's lips as he listened to her superior's order attentively, nodding in agreement when he had ended. "Of course I will, Sir."

Seems like it was now torture-time!


After only twenty minutes of torture, the man held captive spilled everything. Kouyou's disappointment was clearly visible, having expected more resistance from the captive. Now, her fun had been cut short. And she had just started to enjoy it!

"I... I've told you everything!" The man managed to bring out between sounds of pitiful sobs that made Kouyou want to put earplugs inside her ears. "Will you let me go now? Please! Please... I beg you!"

Kouyou pierced the captive in front of her with her invasive stare, her voice colder than ice as she spoke, "You want to be free, don't you?"

"Y-yes! Yes... please, I told you everything you wanted to know!"

The way his nail-free fingers shivered after Kouyou's special manicure, his heavily distorted face as well the heavy breathing and the overall crumpled figure of the man stained in the color of her hair made Kouyou's heart beat fast and wildly.

"I shall grant your last wish," Kouyou said, causing the man to tremble even more in fear as he heard the words 'last wish'. "I will free you."

Faster than the human eye could possibly follow, Kouyou drew her sword from her umbrella, impaling her victim as she shot the sword through his bones and flesh in a swift and effortless motion, watching the man suffer during his last moments until the last hint of life vanished from his eyes, leaving him to be nothing more than one more corpse at Kouyou's feet.

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