Part 3

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"Ouch!" The young lad exclaimed in a cry of pain as he was being thrown back by a great force that had him panting heavily.

"That was your own fault," Kouyou said to him, her voice as cold as ice while her red eyes were burning with an intense fire that could have burnt entire villages to ashes.

She was right. It had been his fault. It was his fault for attempting to drag her into this new world of light and expecting her to fit in easily. She was a flower born in darkness, blooming in darkness. He had already experienced it firsthand during their very first encounter. He should have known better. But he had gone too far.

"I don't understand your problem, Kou-chan!" He yelled, frustration visible in his expression as he scratched at the back of his head.

"That is the problem, you madman!" She shouted back, glaring at him with an even angrier expression than before as she heard it again. The thing that had made her so furious in the first place.

That new pet name.

"My name is Kouyou! Ozaki Kouyou!"

"But Kou-chan is such a great nickname! Makes you a lot more girly than you are!" He shot back, the cheeky grin promptly returning to his face. That grin that set her off every single time.

"This will be your end," she promised, her hands clutching tightly the steering wheel in front of her.

"Oh no, not again, please!" He quickly started pleading which fell on deaf ears. They had only spend one round of this already, and he had no idea how to survive the next ones. Why did his car have to stop in this bad position with no way to escape? Left and right where empty cars, the only way to get out was to drive forwards - and directly to where Kouyou was.

Maybe persuading her to drive bumping cars with him had been a bad idea, after all.

A loud noise erupted from above their heads, screeching nastily. The signal to put the chips inside. Quicker than the wind could be, the girl put the chip into the slit of the car, crushed the gas pedal with her foot and drove at max speed towards the helpless lad.

Right before they made contact, two whispered words escaped the young man's mouth, "Oh no."


"Ouuch! Do you want to kill me?!"

"Maybe?" Kouyou replied, smiling deviously as she drove backwards, ready to clash with him again.

However, his playful smirk reappeared on his face, "This time, I won't make it easy for you."

For a moment, this had Kouyou furrow her brows in slight confusion as to what he was up to, when he suddenly used the opportunity to escape while Kouyou was still in the middle of driving backwards.

"Hey!" She shouted angrily, chasing after him.

"Too late!" He yelled back, evading the other drivers with great skill as he escaped the redhead.

"Coward! Stop fleeing from me!"

"I solve problems by running away from them, can't help it."


He kept laughing as Kouyou attempted to chase him down, aggravating her even further. She was quite persistent herself, though, mercilessly kicking other participants out of her way, determined to catch the annoying lad!

After ten minutes of chasing, the engine died down, the raven-haired lad getting outside the bumping car with a triumphant smirk resting on his face.

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