Part 5 - Finale

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As soon as the words were out, the whole room was being engulfed by silence, the temperature dropping below 0 degrees. The tension was unbearable for Kouyou whose heart was beating at least ten times faster than usual, her entire being consumed by fright for his answer. What would his reaction be? The redhead felt too dreadful to even try to imagine. As much as she had known a future together would be quite impossible, there was still a strong part inside of her wishing for this world of light so desperately.

Please, don't leave me alone...

It was foolish. It would be best if they parted ways. After all, they belonged into different worlds. The man shouldn't get further affiliated with a mafia member. So, why did she still hope for the impossible?

After what felt like an eternity, the man who had sat beside her with a more than shocked expression finally lowered his gaze and cleared his throat.

"I see..."

Her stomach churned uncomfortably, all the while trying to stop her fingers from shivering. Oh, how much she loathed the fact that a man could make her feel like this. But at the same time, this exact man was all she wished for.

He slowly directed his gaze back towards her, his sea blue eyes piercing right through the girl in front of him.

What is he going to say?

Suddenly, a smile formed on his lips.

"Now I understand. Why haven't you told me about this sooner, Kou?"

"What?" Was all she could bring out in return, confusion scribbled all across her face. "You... understand?"

"Of course I do!" He exclaimed, jumping up from his seat, his arms spread out. "It all makes sense now! Why you live in this 'darkness', and why you can't leave with me. And most importantly," he leaned forward towards her, winking as he glanced at the umbrella next to her, "where you got that deadly item of yours."

Kouyou was completely baffled by this response. Now, all the various possible reactions her mind had unconsciously come up with appeared before her inner eye: Fear, anger, wanting her out of his life. However, there was neither fear nor anger visible in his sea blue eyes, and it didn't seem as if he had changed his mind about leaving the country with her.

"Are you sure you heard what I just said?"

"I did," his smile did not waver. "But the fact that you're part of the Port Mafia doesn't change anything for me. I still want you to come with me." Determination shone in his blue eyes.

"You know that the Port Mafia is dangerous, right?" Kouyou retorted with furrowed brows. "This not something you should take lightly. If they target you, you're gonna be a dead man, you know that?"

"I already survived a mafia member targeting me, didn't I?" He bestowed her with a suggestive smile. "You can't change my mind."

"You're mad!" She suddenly shouted, also rising from her seat and glaring daggers at the foolish man in front of her.

"I've been told," was all he said in response, the damned smile still not vanishing from his face. Kouyou clicked her tongue.

"Leaving the Port Mafia is impossible, anyway. Times are bad now, the Boss wouldn't be very supportive of losing more members." Her hands formed into fists, clenching tightly at her sides.

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