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"If they want you in their life, They'll put you there

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"If they want you in their life,
They'll put you there.
You shouldn't have
to fight for a spot."


"What were you thinking?"

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"What were you thinking?"

       Those were the first words spoken to her today.

                She felt her throat run dry as she met her mother's gaze.

               The aforementioned sat on the cushioned seat in the corner of the hospital room; sitting in a way that could only be described as the very definition of prim and proper- back straight, shoulders back, hands folded in her lap, ankles locked and tucked underneath her chair. And although her voice came off as soft and calm, she was anything but. "Well?" The woman raised her perfectly groomed brow.

               "I... I didn't..."

               "Stop stuttering. What did I tell you about stuttering?" The elder interrupted, so the girl paused and gathered her bearings- clearing her throat before proceeding.

               "I wasn't-"

               "That's exactly it, isn't it? You weren't thinking at all, you stupid girl." A gruff, monotone voice butted in- sounding like he'd rather be anywhere else but here.

               'And he probably would...' The youngest in the room thought to herself as she glanced at the man who was stood at the right of her mother, scrolling through his emails on his expensive-looking cellphone- latest model no doubt- in his luxury brand, three-piece suit. In other words, the man she usually referred to as 'Father'.

               "Of course she wasn't, honey. Our little (Y/N) never seems to do so." That may have sounded like a playful jab to anyone else, but (Y/N) had heard this intonation from her many times before. She knew well enough that the lighthearted tone was simply a form of muted anger. Plus she could basically feel the condescending aura rolling off of her mom in waves.

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