Chapter 1

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The West family were in London, England for a full week vacation. They flew in yesterday from Parajuku and today while walking through St. James's Park to go tour the Tower of London, they ran into an old college classmate of Mr. West, George Darling. While they got to catch up on things, Mr. West's kids, Dorothy and Leona, got to know the Darling children, Wendy, John and Michael. George invited Mr. and Mrs. West to come to an adult party at his office that night and of course, they agreed so they could socialize with each other. But the only problem was that there would be no one to watch Dorothy and Leona while they were gone so the Darling children invited the West twins to sleep over at their house so they could all get to know each other. The kids couldn't wait to have fun together.

That night, Mr. and Mrs. West dropped Dorothy and Leona off at the Darling's house and went to the party. "I hope these kids like music because we're PriPara idols after all" Dorothy told her twin brother. "That's true, but I'm sure that whatever they like doing, we'll all have fun" Leona replied. Dorothy knocked on the door and Mary Darling answered it. "Well, hello Miss Dorothy and Leona. Come right in" Mary said as she walked them into her home. "Children, your new friends are here!" she called out to upstairs. "We're coming, Mother!" Wendy's voice called back. A St. Bernard dog with a hat entered the room and sniffed the West twins. "Aw, who's this?" Leona asked. "This is Nana. She's the children's nursemaid" said Mary. "Like a service dog?" asked Dorothy. "You could say that" said Mary. As Nana went into the kitchen, Wendy approached the West twins. "Hello, Dorothy, Leona" she greeted. "What's up, Wendy?" Dorothy greeted back. "Thank you for coming over tonight" said Wendy. "No problem. After all, we're friends right?" Dorothy replied. "Indeed" said Wendy. Then John and Michael came downstairs to greet the twins. Michael was holding his teddy bear. "Greetings, Leona and Dorothy" John greeted. "It's nice to see you again, John and Michael. Even though we just met earlier today" Leona smiled. "Come on, come on, let's go upstairs and play!" Michael smiled. "I'll go check on George." Mary told her guests and children before going. "Okay" Dorothy nodded to her before following Leona and the others upstairs to the nursery where Wendy, John and Michael slept together.

"So what do you guys wanna play?" Dorothy asked. "Peter Pan and his new ally fighting Captain Hook to save the princess" Michael smiled. "Peter Pan? You guys like stories?" asked Dorothy. "We love stories. Especially the ones about Peter Pan that Mother tells us" Wendy smiled dreamily. "I only hope to see Peter Pan again very soon." "You've met him before?" asked Leona. "Why of course I have." Wendy explained. "When he was here last time, I took his shadow so he would come back for it maybe tonight." "How can you take someone's shadow?" Leona asked. "Oh, it was really easy..." Wendy insisted. Mary sighed and shook her head to Wendy, but had an amused smile, she then went to fetch her husband. They came into the nursery where it was neat and tidy so far, but not for long...

"Who's going to play the new ally?" asked Leona. "You, of course" said Michael. "Figured as much. If you say so, Michael" Leona giggled. "Then who's Peter Pan?" "Me!" Michael beamed. "Then that makes me the princess. Makes sense that someone as cute as me would play such a role" Dorothy bragged. Leona and the children laughed. Leona, John, Michael, and Dorothy started to play their game. John tied a bandanna on his head to play a pirate with a coat hanger. He was going to be Captain Hook for the game. Wendy was going to pick up what she could, feeling like a grown-up. Once they were all set, they started their game as it got very dark outside. Wendy was not playing, however. She was going to clean up what she could as an attempt to impress her parents. Mary and George were talking about Dorothy and Leona sleeping over as they were getting ready for the party. While they were looking for George's gold cuff-links and his shirt neck, George was having trouble while Mary seemed to be in no rush or worry.

Since it was getting late, the kids decided to get into their pajamas. Nana found the tonic in the kitchen and went to the children's' bedroom so they could take it before bed. "You will never get away with this, Captain Hook" Leona said. "I'd like to see you scurvy dogs try and beat me!" John growled, doing his best pirate impression. "We shall defeat you, Captain Hook!" Leona said, acting serious, sounding like a strongman. "Oh, no, you won't!" John sneered. Dorothy sat in a chair and pretended to be held hostage. The entire game was fun. The kids really got into the game and it was a lot more fun with other people as well. The game reminded Dorothy and Leona of the time when Celebrity 4 captured Dorothy and Leona had to rescue her, only this time, it was pretend. "Blast you, Peter Pan! You and that new ally of yours!" John snarled, sounding more aggressive as he pretended to be as vengeful as Captain Hook from Wendy's stories. "I told you couldn't defeat us." Leona said. "Take that, Captain Hook!" Michael taunted. "Give up, Captain Hook? Give up?" "Never, I'll teach you to cut off me hand!" John glared. "Oh, no, John, it was the left hand." Wendy told him as soon as she saw he had the hook in the wrong hand. "Oh, yes." John nodded with a smile and switched hands. "Thank you, Wendy." Wendy nodded back to her brother and walked out the door, only to find the family dog. "Oh, Nana...Must we always take that nasty tonic?" Nana walked in, carrying the tonic on a tray with three spoons for the children who were to take it every night before bed.

Dorothy and Leona Meet Peter PanWhere stories live. Discover now