Narrator_and_Dark's (Narrator x Dark) Request

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A/N: Well here is another requst from Narrator_and_Dark. This one involves their characters Narrator and Dark. Dark is suppose to confess his love for Narrator, but unfortunately for him he has terrible luck.

Dark has been ignored and is now being blackmailed by two more of his friends for his embarrassing confession to Narrator. What fun!

I hope you enjoy the story.


Blue eyes shifted nervously all over the place, never quite fixating on one single place for long. Occasionally the guy's eyes would linger over at his friend, Narrator. When would he find the courage to confess?

Well some would argue quite soon while others thought him a coward that would forever hold that secret for himself.

Narrator busied herself by chatting with her friends Master Anon and Nora. Dark stared longing over at his dear friend that held his affection. If only he had the chance to confess. While Narrator and the others talked Narrator's phone suddenly went off and she excused herself to speak on the device.

Again Dark look over with anxiety gripping his heart.

"Seriously? Dude, just talk to her already," the crude voice of Master called out to Dark.

Dark turned his shocked expression over to Master and Nora. Nora rolled her eyes and joined Master in their taunting of Dark. "Dark staring at her like a gasping fish isn't going to get you anywhere. You could, you know, speak. Like a normal person would."

Dark huffed and turned up his nose, "You two don't understand. Mind your own business, how about that?"

Master glanced over at Nora and rolled her eyes. With the two of them practically being each other's half it wasn't shocking that they shared similar views.

Nora could hear the conversation that Narrator was having over the phone fade into goodbyes and decided to take the opportunity to encourage their friend.

"Look, Narrator just finished her call. Now is the perfect opportunity to talk to her. Go on!" Dark passed a bored look over at Nora and stood up and proceeded to leave the room. "I didn't need you to tell me that."

Master and Nora chuckled evilly together and awaited to see the results.

Dark glanced around the large living room in search of Narrator, but with no sign of presence. Dark furrowed his brow and continued looking for his friend.

"Narrator?" Dark called as he continued to search area. 'Just where could she be?'

Suddenly the was noise coming from the kitchen. 'That must be her,' Dark thought to himself. Dark made his way to the kitchen once again searching for Narrator. Sure enough the minute he stepped into the kitchen he was faced with Narrator's turned back as she leaned over the counter top grabbing a piece of fruit.

Dark took a deep breath and decided it was either now or never to speak his mind. With clenched eyes and and rushed words Dark spoke, "Narrator, I just wanted to tell you that... that I have strong feelings for you and have for a long time. I just needed to tell you that. We've been friends for so long and I don't want to ruin our friendship or anything, but I couldn't keep it hidden any longer."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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