🔮 Kadaija Grant

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🔮 I love you, but I hate you. I miss you, but I'm better off without you. I want you out of my life, but I never want to let you go.

 I want you out of my life, but I never want to let you go

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Kadaija Grant:

After that bomb sex Kadaija water had broke the next day, they rushed up to the hospital and the nurses put the baby monitor over her belly to see how far she dilated. The couple didn't want to tell everybody about anything until the baby is here, Justin was getting on her nerves. Justin tried to make her laugh as much as possible, he were excited seeing his baby being born he was ready to be a daddy. The nurse and doctor got her ready to push out their baby girl, Kadaija was squeezing onto Justin's hand super hard as she push and push til the baby slid out. One of the nurses was cleaning her up while the other was cleaning the baby.
Justin cut the umbilical cord with a big smile on his face making Kadaija rolled her eyes. Kadaija got up to take pictures of the baby.

Kadaija_Rosegold: Life is A’Maizyn it is what it should be 😩❤️ Meet A’Maizyn Rose 👶🏽👣😩❤️

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Kadaija_Rosegold: Life is A’Maizyn it is what it should be 😩❤️ Meet A’Maizyn Rose 👶🏽👣😩❤️

"I had to go through my pregnancy knowing the person I made you with made a mistake that almost BROKE ME, and it made me not want you 😩 but as I look at you I realize I had to lose a lot of people to gain something as A’Maizyn as YOU & That’s what makes you so A’Maizyn."Kadaija said to her daughter holding her close to her chest. Justin was sitting on the other side of the bed kissing his baby head... Teyonah and Christian walked I'm putting on hand sanitizer staring at the couple holding the baby.
"Can I hold her?"Teyonah asked and I gave my daughter to her resting my eyes til Christian spoke up.
"We told your mama about the baby being here and she didn't care."My mother still mad because I had gotten with Justin and had a baby with him but ol well she can stay mad idgaf.
"Fuck that bitch she doesn't have to be here to meet her grandbaby."
"Period!"Teyonah chimed in. Everyone took they turns in holding A'Maizyn and spending time with her before it was time to leave. Justin sat away from me with A'Maizyn in his arms knowing that I didn't wanted to be bother with him even though we did had sex last night but that doesn't mean shit to me. They both didn't say not one word to each other, they were trying to speak up on a conversation first and surprisingly Justin did, he can't stand quietness in the room. He needed to be around some sort of excitement or loud noise with kids. That something that Justin used to, when he was growing up it was loud with laughter from his family, he grew up around nothing but positive vibes unlike was Kadaija. Yeah her mommy might seem cool for awhile in front of company but whenever the company leave she done turn into the devil himself. Kadaija did everything for her mother even dated the dude her mama pick out for her even though she knew the dude wasn't right for her. Kadaija dated him to make her mother happy. Rico came around and they became friends with benefits and they did mostly everything together, you wouldn't see one without the other and that something that Kadaija miss now but he's dating her suppose to be best friend and cheating on her at the same time. Now she had gotten with Justin she doesn't really know what'd happen to the relationship with Justin. Kadaija didn't wanted a family with him at all but just be his girlfriend that's it but since he trapped her and bless her with a beautiful little girl name A'Maizyn it actually brighten up her spirit. But still being with Justin, she don't know.

"Kadaija so we gon co parent or what?  You still wanna be.."
"Yes that's fine but being together with you... Ion know about that."Kadaija shrugged getting A'Maizyn situated in her car seat that was a gift from Tee. It was time for her to head back home after she almost cuss out the nurses for spelling her daughters name all wrong when she done told em the exact way to spell it. They both ended leaving and going separate ways to both of their houses. Since now that A'Maizyn was clinging onto her daddy's shirt not letting him go she spending time with him for a couple of days. Kadaija gotten shower and got ready to head out to the grocery store so she can make dinner for tonight. Soon as she stepped foot outside she seen dark-skinned dude with tattoos squatting down looking over at her licking his lips... Kadaija loved what she see so at this point Justin wasn't even on her mind.

Malcom Drummer

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Malcom Drummer

"Like what you see?"Kadaija asked throwing a playful wink going over to her car.
"I very much love what I see, you're beautiful."
"Yeah you're handsome and looking good too."Kadaija flirted smiling making him stand up straight and look down at himself checking himself out.

"Oh this that swag mami, what's your name shawty? You single?"He was just throwing out questions coming near her putting a strand of hair behind her ear studying her whole face

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"Oh this that swag mami, what's your name shawty? You single?"He was just throwing out questions coming near her putting a strand of hair behind her ear studying her whole face.
"Yes I am single and the name is Kadaija. I just had a baby girl as well but she's with her daddy. What about you, got any kids? Any crazy exes because I'll beat a bitch up quick."He ended laughing pulling her closer and gripped her neck placing a kiss on her lips.
"Malcom Drummer and no kids for me, not anytime soon anyway. I'm single as well trying to make you Mrs. Right tho mami."Kadaija ran her hands down his chest tracing his tattoos when Christian walked up smirking to himself.
"Ohh chile I see you got yourself a new eye candy, what happen with my bro Kadaija."Malcom wrapped her in his arms placing kisses down her neck trying not to leave any hickeys.
"Ain't shit happening with Justin, he is just a baby daddy that's it."Malcom had piped his head up because he know Justin he used to fuck around with his sister but he not going to say anything.
"Damn sis I thought that y'all was gon last forever how, Justin be talking about you. But I guess it wasn't meant to be huh? Hopefully he's right for you tho."Christian eyed Malcom then smile at Kadaija, he just want best for her and to be happy that's all. Even if she isn't with his brother he still going to claim her sis no matter what, she gave him a gorgeous niece.
"I hope he's the right one too cause if he's not I'm officially done with this relationship thing."Kadaija turned around holding Malcom face in her hands placing a kiss. "Malcom this is my brother from another Christian... Christian this is Malcom, we just met so this isn't a relationship right now, don't go spreading shit saying I have a new nigga."Christian smacked his lips busting out laughing before leaving to go meet up with Teyonah. Kadaija had told Malcom that she was heading to the grocery store and he offer to come along since he had nothing else to do. Justin had texted Kadaija on some other shit all because they wasn't getting back together then he threaten with going to get full custody of their daughter but Kadaija wasn't fazing that because he wouldn't be able to get full custody, he can't handle his little sisters now they're getting older.

"Damn girl you went over two carts, yeah I'm a be over your house all the time, we're neighbors."Malcom help paid for the groceries and help load up the car.
"Food stamps baby, mama and baby gotta eat somehow. And you can come all the time to have dinner."Kadaija winked putting all the meats in the fridge while Malcolm put the snacks and cases of juices, pops and water in the pantry.
"Come sit down and talk with me."He twirled her around letting her come sit down. They talk about everything under the sun in getting to know each other than he told her that they was together. Kadaija went to make a big dinner just for them two, they ate and watch movies in her bedroom.

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