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"Don't move." The voice is demanding and familiar. It makes my blood freeze, it makes me stop my small, sharp, thrashing.


------------------------------Gale's POV.---------------------------

"Were are the rest of you." I growl at the mutt as I move my hand from it's mouth giving in the opportunity to speak. I had only put it there to make sure it wasn't going to call for the other mutts, I had only put it there to make it easier to kill it just in case.

"G-Gale . . ." The mutts voice is quiet and broken?

"Were are the rest of you." I bark.

   I wanted to get this done quickly, I wanted to kill all these mutts quickly and get back to thirteen. I didn't want to hear their voices, or see their faces. I didn't want the scars of their deaths to re open, I had spent the past two years patching up those scares. I wasn't going to let these mutts plus Haymitch, Plutarch, and Paylor open them.

"W-What are you talking about." The mutt stutters. 

  I flip the mutt version of Katniss around so she is facing me, but I make sure I have a good grip on its arm. My free hand hovers over the gun in its holster on my hip. I was not afraid to shoot if needed. My eyes meet the ones of the mutt's. The ones that I used to love to look into, the eyes that always sparkled and mirrored my emotions. 

"Where are the rest of the mutts."  I ask my tone cold and harsh.

"W-What . . . what mutts?"

"I don't have time for this shit." I bark.

The mutts eyes leave mine and sweep over my face, then my body, and they land on the hand I have her arm in. What was wrong with this mutt? It was supposed to be attacking me, torture me with her voice, her knowledge! Why was it quiet and acting surprised? Why was the mutt giving me a face I know all to well?!

"What mutts." Katniss's mutt asks. I shove the mutt into the nearest tree and the mutt yelps in pain as a response to its head hitting the trunk.

"Tell me where the other mutts are and I'll spare you an hour." I snarl.

"G-Gale . . .This . . .your . . ." I have drawn my gun at this point and I have pressed it into the mutts forehead. 

  I didn't have time for these games, I needed to kill the mutts and get it over with. Just looking at the mutt in front of me broke me. It looked so much like Katniss with her beautiful grey eyes, long dark brown hair that was usually in a braid was down and looked as if it hadn't been brushed in weeks, she had heavy bags under her eyes that were full of tears.

"Your the mutt." The mutt whispers. I don't loosen my grip or move the gun at I watch tears run down it's face. If only it was her. 

"The Gale . . .the Gale I know, the Gale I love, wouldn't be like this." It's stampers. I dig the gun into its forehead. Katniss wasn't the person to love people, she only loved her sister who was killed. Was killed by the people I considered as allies along with herself and my family.

"Were are the other mutts." I snap.

"Were are they?" The mutt asks right back, snapping. I holster my gun in a quick motion and bring a hand to the mutt's throat harshly lifting its body slightly. It gasps and start to claw its hands at mine.

"I do not have time for this damn bull shit Mutt, tell me where the god damn mutts are so I can get the job done for." I shout.

"I-I don't know!!!" A cry escapes the mutt version of the girl I had loved.

"Your lying." I hiss, squeezing.

"T-There are no m-mutts!!!" A gasp. 

"Ask about your family." Peeta's voice comes through my ear piece. 

God did I hate the fact that he would be everywhere I was. He was here now, a few feet away, hidden out of sight. Mara sent him because she doesn't have enough trust in me even though I helped take down district two. I wouldn't blame her thought, I didn't trust myself some days.

"My family, where are they." My voice is still cold and harsh.

"W-Why should I t-tell you." The mutt snarls, its hands are wrapped around my wrist trying to pray it from her throat.

"Would you like me to kill you." I question.

"Please, I have been tying for the past two years." The mutts voice is raspy and weak. 

   It shouldn't be asking for me to kill it. It should be fighting me, not acting like her. Maybe this is the way they programmed her, they wanted her to act exactly like Katniss. They wanted to use her against me. Why? I don't know. Was it to show how I failed her? How I really did hate her by letting her die?  I will never know and I hope to never know. It was painful enough having to look at this mutt, but it was part of the job. I was to find them, all the mutts, and kill them. Each and every one was to be killed and each and every one was to be dragged back to thirteen for Mara to o what ever she wanted with. I was to kill every one but Katniss, ever damn mutt I had to kill other than the one of Katniss.

 I let go of the mutts throat and watch as it's weak body falls to the forest floor. 

"I want her alive, Hawthorne. I want the Everdeen Mutt alive!"

I watch as it breaths heavily as by now air is flowing back through its fake lungs. I pull out my gun and aim for its head. Fuck what Mara wants, It's time I ended this damn chase for the mutt.

"Victors village." Grey eyes meet mine. "Your family is in the victors village."

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