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Today was the day to go over and probably sign the contract. We all met at Bang Shi-hyuk's office. Namjoon was the first person to arrive, we'll at least that was what he told the seven of us. I couldn't provide evidence against him since Yoongi and I were sleep lovers, we slept late and arrived last.

"I guess I'll knock, then." Jin offered and we all nodded in agreement.

He knocked on the door and we heard a faint, "Come in!"

We all stepped into the large office as he pointed us towards the eight chairs in front of his desk. We all sat in order from age so it went, from right to left in this order. Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Me, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and last was Jin. "So, now that you all are properly acquainted, how do you feel about being in a band together?"

I give an excited look. "I think I can speak for all of us that we are all excited to be working, living, and hanging together." I looked at the boys and they all smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Then I will hand Namjoon the papers and you can all look them over together." Bang Shi-hyuk suggested and handed the papers to Namjoon and we all stood and followed him out of the room. We went to the same empty practice room we were placed in yesterday. As we read over the details of the contract we discovered that our band name was Bangtan Sonyeondan. BTS as we would be known to our fans. As we continued reading, we also discovered we would definitely all be living in a dorm together.

When we finished reading we all made eye contact and nodded our heads and passed around the contract. Each of us signing our part of the contract. As Namjoon stood to deliver the contract to Bang Shi-hyuk, I stood as well. "Joon, let me come with you. I want to talk to PD-him about something important."

The boys sitting below me all shared a nervous look, but Namjoon gave me a dimpled smile and nodded in agreement. As we walked to Bang Shi-hyuk's office, Namjoon stopped me. "Yes?" I asked.

"You're going to ask about if dating Yoongi is allowed, aren't you?" He asked me teasingly.

I blushed bright red as we started to walk again. "I-I-I. . . . m-maybe." I stuttered out, cursing myself for stuttering.

Namjoon gave me a dimpled smile as we stood outside Bang Shi-hyuk's door. "I knew it."

We went in and I stood to the side as Namjoon handed Bang Shi-hyuk our contract. As Bang Shi-hyuk grinned, Namjoon left the office leaving me alone and in a blushing mess from embarrassment.

"Ah, Y/n-ssi I didn't see you there. Is there something you'd like to discuss?"

I nodded silently and walked forward. I sat in the chair right in front of him. "Bang PD-nim, this is a little early to be asking this, I know, but if in the future, would it be possible,"

"To date Suga? I would have to say, yes! The bond between you both is a strong one. I think though, he might put the band before himself. You are the only one that can keep him off that road of self-destruction." Bang PD-nim cut me off.

I smiled with a blush across my cheeks. "Gamsahmida sir." I bowed as I stood and left the room. desperately trying to tone down my blush before facing the rest of the band.

"So. . . you really love him, don't you?" I looked up in surprise to be met with Taehyung's deep brown eyes and I smiled.

"I'm not sure, I know something's there, I just need to figure out what." I replied.

He nodded softly and smiled his boxy smile. "Well, we need to get back to the practice room. Namjoon-hyung is already putting us to work for our debut."

I smiled, "Sounds like Namjoon. But we do only have a few months till our debut, so he is making a good decision starting us today. I hope were as good as the other bands out there."

Taehyung smiled, "Of course, we'll be the best out there. All the bands will have to look up to us."

I giggled, "You're right, what am I worried about."

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