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We all walked down the street as thoughts passed through my head, Yoongi and I continuing to hold hands. We passed many different stores and restaurants and I watched as the sky started to get cloudy, and I was getting a little worried that it would rain on us. I brought my head down from looking at the sky to face the three boys next to and behind me. My free hand was stuffed in my jean pocket. 

"Alright guys, where are we going to eat?" I asked and the boys all exchanged looks.

Yoongi turned his head to face me and our eyes met. A blush slowly crawled back up on my cheeks and I turned my head quickly so he couldn't see it, and looked down at the sidewalk. "Y/n, are you alright?"

I turned quickly to see Hoseok's brown eyes full of concern. I sighed slightly at him and then smiled. "Of course, why shouldn't I be?"

He shrugged his shoulders before replying to my previous question, "Anyway, we would all like to get lamb kebabs." The three boys smiled at me and I sighed exasperatedly with a smile, as well.

"Of course you would want to get kebabs. Where else would we go with Yoongi and Namjoon around?" I questioned them teasingly with a grin. "Alright then, let's go, let's go! I know a place a couple of blocks down."

The boys nodded in reply and they followed as I lead them down the sidewalks of Seoul. I suddenly felt a presence next to me as we walked down the silent street. "Y/n," Yoongi's deep, raspy voice rang in my ears.

I turned to look at him quickly, "Yoongi, what's up?" I tried to ask confidently, but it just came out in a somewhat weak whisper.

He looked me in the eyes and raised an eyebrow in question. "Are you really alright? Honestly?"

I sighed in relief that that was what he was asking and not something else. "Yeah, besides, I wouldn't miss a rap line hangout for anything in the world." I smiled brightly at him, my cheeks reddening slightly as I continued. "Don't tell the magnae line, but hanging out with you guys is much more fun." I whispered to him and he gave me a gummy smile that made my face heat up even more.

Suddenly a arm clad in a flannel jacket  wrapped around my shoulder and a leather jacket clad arm around Yoongi's. It was none other than Namjoon and Hoseok, of course. "So, what're you talking about lovebirds? Anything important?" Namjoon asked and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Just how to judo flip you off my back, Joon." I replied as I wrapped my hand around his wrist and pulled it off of my shoulder and spun around and hugged him tightly. "But, I think I'm going to hug you instead." I saw Namjoon's lips break out into a wide dimpled grin.

I pulled away from the hug as we turned the corner, "And here we are, Kebabs and Chops. Best place to get kebabs down here." I pulled the boys into the restaurant and stood in front of the hostess stand.

The young hostess came up and eyed the four of us. "Four?" I nodded quickly in reply and she grabbed the menus. "Right this way." She said before walking away and we followed her. 

As we walked through the restaurant I noticed the paintings on the wall of farms and the family who owns the business. The wallpaper was like from a hotel wallpaper that I remember being in Philadelphia. I saw that our debut was on the televisions surrounding the bar at the other side of the place. I make eye contact with Namjoon and motion to the televisions with my eyes, he sees them just as were sat in a booth, and we both just pretend we don't notice.

I sat next to Namjoon with Yoongi sat across from me and Hoseok sat next to him. "Your waitress will be right with you." We all nodded in thanks as she turned tail and left.

"Well, look at what you want, Hoseok, Namjoon. Yoongi and I always get the same thing when we're here." The two boys nodded and then I made eye contact with Yoongi again, trying not to be consumed by his deep brown eyes. Then I remembered something important, "Aish..." I placed my head in my hands, my elbows resting on the table.

All three boys looked at me, utterly confused, "What's up? Is something wrong?" Namjoon asked me with curious eyes.

I shook my head at his words, "It's just that I remembered that I wasn't supposed to bring anyone here without Jungkook, you guys cannot tell Jungkookie that we were here, he'll kill me."

The boys all exchanged looks and started laughing, "We are so telling him that you brought us." Yoongi teased me and I sent him a slight glare.

My eyes narrowed, like I had a cat about to pounce on its prey. "You wouldn't?"

Hoseok nodded his head vigorously, "We're definitely going to tell him, unless.." He looked at the other two and I glanced at all of them.

"Unless what?!" I asked hurriedly.

"Unless you let us see the new horror movie, Annabelle." Namjoon and Yoongi said creepily.

I shivered as I thought about that movie, and I saw that Hoseok did before trying to hide that he did, but then I thought about Jungkook and what he would do, and nodded my head slowly in agreement. "F-fine, but, if I have nightmares, none of you get my cuddles for a week." I stated while glaring at each of them.

The boys exchanged another round of glances before looking back at me. "Deal!" I shook hands with each of them just as the waitress came over with our round of drinks.

"What can I get you four to eat?" She asked kindly.

Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok ordered the lamb kebabs to go and I ordered the chicken ramyeon and kimchi to go. As we sat and waited for our food, I looked at the boys with a glare. "So, we're going to eat at the theater, correct?" The boys nodded in reply and I continued, "So, who is paying for tickets, it can't be me because I'm being forced to see this movie."

Namjoon looked at me and sighed, "I'll pay online right now."

"Alright, fine."

As Namjoon ordered the tickets, our food arrived, so we finished our round of sodas and payed the check. Then we headed to the movie theater down the street, which we just so happened to pass during our walk to the restaurant. We turned the corner and walked into the theater. Namjoon showed the tickets on his email to the tickets salesperson and we walked in, bought rounds of sprite and popcorn and headed into the assigned showing to see the movie. 

As soon as we sat the movie started and I sat down inbetween Yoongi and Hoseok so that I was next to my best friend and Hoseok and I could comfort each other.

Time skip brought to you by j-hope and S/n screaming their heads off in fear!😵😵😵

"I hate both of you for making me see that." I said darkly as we walked out of the theater and into the pouring rain. I grabbed Hoseok's hand as we walked ahead of Yoongi and Namjoon, who were laughing at how scared we were because of the movie.

Yoongi grabbed my wrist just as Hoseok and I started getting away, "Oh c'mon Y/n, it was just a movie. None of it's real or will ever happen to you because I'll protect you." I blushed bright red at his words, but I was still upset about seeing the movie, so I tugged my wrist away from him and walked with Hoseok all the way back to the dorm.

As soon as we entered the dorm I looked around. I heard clanking in the kitchen, so it had to be Jin making dinner. I saw that Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting in the couch and playing Overwatch. I looked around for Jimin and found him just sitting on the couch beside them, watching the television screen as they played. I smiled slightly and raced over and crawled into his lap. Hiding my face in his chest because I just wanted to hide away from the world. He seemed surprised by my presence but immediatly relaxed when he realized it was just me.

"What did they do, Sweetheart?" he whispered to me and I shivered at the memory of the movie and how scared I was.

"Yoongi and Namjoon made Hoseok and I watch a scary movie." I whispered back, hugging him around his middle, tightly.

He sighed, "Why don't I take you to our room and we can cuddle on my bed, how's that sound?"

I nodded quickly in reply and relief. I felt him stand up and carry my small form up the stairs and open our shared room door. I felt the soft covers of his bed underneath me. As soon as Jimin laid in bed next to me with his arms around my waist, I was out like a light.

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