Chapter one: meetings

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"Mabel!" my mother yells.

I huff and slide off of warrior, my black horse.

I pet her nuzzle and whisper "I'll be back." Before walking out of the field toward my parents house.

I open the back door and slide out of my cowboy boots.

"We're in here." My father says.

I bite my lip and walk into the den where my mother, little brother, and father sit in the room.

"When did you get back?" I ask my mother as I sit down.

My mother has been in LA for the past two months teaching dance.

"About an hour ago." she says smiling.

I nod as jake my four year old brother stands up and runs over to me.

"Hiya jakey." I say pulling him into my lap.

His name isn't jakey its actually jacob. I just call him that.

"Can you Play with me?" he asks.

"Actually we need to talk to sissy so go play." my father says sternly.

He nods and slides off of my lap. He then runs out of the room saying something about bugging winter our wolf.

We sit in silence for a moment before my dad says "Mabel, your not going anywhere with your life. So you need to pick some sort of career that doesn't involve skateboarding, longboarding, or anything with boarding in it. "

I stare it him my mouth hanging open in shock.

"W-what?" I say.

"You heard me." he says.

I look over at my mum who looks away.

He probably forced her into agreeing with this that bastard.

"Please don't do this to me." I beg.

He stares coldly at me.

"I'll get you some guitar lessons like you've always wanted and maybe you can start off from there." my mum says giving a smile.

I scoff while shaking my head, tears stinging my eyes. I stand up and walk down the hall to my room closing the door behind me. I collapse onto my bed and lay there staring at my walls that are covered in pictures of my friends and I longbording and skakeboarding.

He cant do this to me. Skating is my life. Its all i have, well except for Jakey of course but thats not the point. Im not going to let him get in the way of what i love most.


We walk into uncle simon's office and he smiles.

"Hello boys." he says.

"Hi Uncle Si." Lou says cheekily.

We all sit down and start talking about upcoming events when his phone rings interrupting Liam. Uncle simon puts a finger up as he reads caller ID, a smile spreads on his face as he picks it up.

"Well if it isn't my lil baby cosin Rene. How is everything?" he asks as he spins his chair around to face away from us.

"WHAT?! She love's doing that why would he take that away fom her?!" he shouts suddenly making us all jump.

"Aww the poor dear. But what does that have to do with me?" He asks the caller.

We stare at him questioningly when he turns to us and smiles while looking directly at ME.

"I do actually and hes sitting right in front of me." He says giving me a wink.

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