Chapter five: born and raised

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A wake up to strong arms around my waist and my head on a hard surface.


"Good morning." he says.

His morning voice the cutest thing ever.

"Good morning." I say back snuggling closer to him.

His arms tighten around me and I start to drift off again when I hear whispers above us.

"Aww look at them." someone whispers.

"Should I take a picture?" another says.

"Yeah, post it on Instagram they'll love that." I'm pretty sure Louis's voice says.

I shift turning my head away from the whispers to the back of the couch.

"Go away." I say into the couch.

"What was that?" Niall whispers.

I sit up and turn to them. "I said go away." I say and snuggle up with harry again.

He chuckles and says "you heard her." while bringing me up closer.

A camera flash goes off and I jump up "that's it!" I yell jumping off of harry.

The boys yelp and scurry away in different directions.

Harry chuckles and pulls me back to him.

"You know the party is tonight right?" he asks.

"Yeah, I know." I say into his chest.

He starts playing with my hair as he says "are you going to tell me what your are?"

I shake my head.

"Why not?" he pouts.

"It's a surprise." I say.

"Fine." he grumbles.

"What time does it start?" I ask.

"Six and it goes on until 2:30." he says.

"Are you serious?" I ask shocked that it lasts that long.

He nods a smile growing.

"We don't have to stay so long." he says.

"No it's fine I've been to party's that have gone all night non stop."

"Since when have you been a party animal?" he asks smiling.

"I'm afraid I always have been one Mr. Styles."

He rolls his gorgeous green eyes and I bite back a smile.

"Well if you excuse me, I have to get home." I say rolling off of him and he groans.

"Can't you stay for maybe another hour?" He asks and I shake my head in response.

He sighs and says "At least let me take you home."

I nod in agreement and pull him up off of the couch.


"Thanks for the ride." I say.

"No problem babe. Oh and remember the girls will be here to help you get ready at 4:30 okay?" he says.

"Okay. I'll see you later then. Bye." I say blowing a kiss and walking up to my house.

Why am I so lucky to have him?

I close my door and yell "anyone home?"

No one answers and I sigh. jakey is at grandmas who practically raised the both of us, my mum is probably in the United States dancing somewhere and my dad... We'll probably at his so called work were he disappears to for weeks on end without hearing anything from him.

I walk into the kitchen and sit down on the bar stool chair. It's amazing how fast a family can fall apart. We used to be so close before we moved here. it was the best feeling in the world but now my dad acts like he wishes I dont exist, my mom acts blind to everything going on around her, and jakey poor jakey is in the mix of all there shit.

I sigh when winter puts her head on my lap.

"Come on." I say sliding off the stool and into the kitchen. I poor her food in her bowl and kick off my shoes switching into my cowgirl boots.

I walk out to the barn and open warriors stall door. he steps out and nudges me in the arm.

I laugh as I take a step back to rebalance myself. I grab his water bucket and walk down to the water hose to fill up the bucket. I fill it up and bring it back to him. Once I put it back on his stall door and step back he trots over and starts drinking. I put some pellets and hay in for him and move around to the back of the stall to open the door so he can wander into the paster.

I sit down in the grass and lean up against the barn closing my eyes.

I'm honestly tired of being treated like shat by my dad and then my mum not do anything about it. I need to stand up to them, but honestly I don't have the courage to do so. my dad would punch my right in the mouth if I did. well he's done it before why wouldn't he do it again?

Warrior nudges me and I stand up. I walk into the stable again and grab her riding gear. I put it on her and jump on her.

I ride until 2pm cuz 1. I get so hungry that I almost throw up. 2. The girls will be here in a hour and a half.

So I go inside and eat, take a shower, wrap a towel around my hair, get dressed in a pair of sweats and a tank, paint my nails a light pink, and open the door for the girls.

"Hey!" Sophia says hugging me.

"What's up girly?" Perrie asks as she gives me a hug.

"Nothing much, just a little nervous." I say honestly.

"Aww that's okay. it's your first one direction party it's normal." Perrie says with a wink.

I nod as Lou walks in dragging, what look like suitcases, inside

"What's that?" I ask looking at the many bags in her hands.

Lou smiles and says "This is the makeup, hair tools, hair bows, jewelry that we may need, heels, nial polish-"

"I get it." I say with a laugh.

She rolls her eyes and drags the stuff to the kitchen.

This is gonna be fun.

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