Idea 2

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One day instead of fighting Error, Ink proposed an idea where the multiverse goes into a prank war. 


Bad Sanses, The Chara's, Blue, Lust, and Error - Team name: You Don't Know Us

The rest of the originals - Team Name: Hope and Love

And yes, forced concept because of that's the best concept in my opinion. In fact, expect all idea's to be a forced concept.

If Hope and Love wins, the bad side of the multiverse has to say why they did what they did and stop spreading destruction and fear

If You Don't Know Us wins, then Ink has to stop creating, Dream has to settle down on the positivity, Blue gets to hang out with the gang without being judged, and Life has to help Error get used to healing magic.

Sanses are allowed to switch sides within the time period.

Do what you will with this.

(Also I might give up some of my story ideas's that I've worked on so I can finish before school starts.)

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