Idea 3

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You guys can base a story off of this. All I ask (besides letting me know and giving credit) is to put the poem/letter inside the story! Weather it be sent to the Original council bits and pieces bits at a time or all at one!

You all know him as Error
Or as you call him, the Destroyer.
What I wonder is despite you and your counterparts being your AU's judge
You ignored that the 'Emotionless' Destroyer is not free from Fate.
In fact the only one in the council who isn't a judge acted the most like one
And you all know him as Blue.
He's the only one who asked why
Yet kept it to himself because everyone is where his loyalty lies.
You judges don't deserve your tittle at all
For you see as much as a blind man with his eyes scratched out.
If you are wondering who has sent you this hopeful wake up call,
You all know me as Nightmare, King of everything negative.
Before I leave I'm going to say this once.
Ruin Error's innocence and your dust.

~Nightmare Feelings

Ps: Horror here. To mess with cross just take his chocolate. I just did and he's now acting insane lol. Oh stars, He's coming. Bye!

Pps: Cross here. Take my chocolate and your dust. Also Blue come to the house to help set up Dust's birthday party! We'll text you when it is! Also everyone else, Error dosen't know we wrote this. He dosen't want us to be possible hurt.

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