Tell Me I'm Alright

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The drive to the cemetery was silent, Alex just stared out of the window at the sky as dark as night. It was impossible to tell the time of day, as Jack drove them back to where it all began.

“You okay?” Jack asked, reaching over and placing his hand on Alex’s.

“Yeah, I’m not the one that’s facing death here. I just feel guilty... I’m the ghost, I’m the one that pulled you into the world of Death and Skeletons”

“Alex don’t say that, I knew what I was getting into what I ignored Death’s warning”


“No Alex, you’re worth it”

Alex looked over at Jack, smiling at him in the half darkness.

“We’re going to do this”


Alex wished his words could be more convincing but truth was he didn’t believe it, nobody had ever cheated Death. Why did Jack think they’d be able to? He was so busy thinking it took him a moment to realise the car had stopped. They’d arrived outside the gates.

“I guess it’s time” Alex said.

“Here we go”

Jack gave Alex’s hand a reassuring squeeze and got out of the car. Something about the energy surrounding the gates felt odd, Jack shivered and pulled his jacket tighter around him and looked over at Alex. Jack couldn’t blame him for being scared, hell he was terrified looking over at the boy beside him Jack couldn’t imagine life without him.

Jack hopped over the fence the same way he always had, landing on the soft ground and peering back through the gates at Alex.

“Come on” he held out his hand as Alex walked straight through the iron bars to grab hold of his hand.

“I can’t believe we’re back, I never wanted to see this place again”

“I know, this place has become our personal hell but we’re here to get out for good”

Alex nodded and let Jack led from through the graves until they were back at Alex’s. Fresh flowers now sat against the headstone.

“My families been here”

Jack wrapped his arms around Alex, pulling him into a hug. If Alex could cry he would have, every time his family come to his grave it’s like being stabbed in the chest. He watches them grieve and he can’t do a thing to comfort them.

“Jack, you’ve got a chance to get out of here. You could just leave right now and never come back, and then all of this would go away. You’ve got a family; you’ve got people who will miss you if this ends badly. I can’t let you become like me”

“No. Alexander William Gaskarth there is nothing that’s going to make me give you up, you’re the best person I’ve ever met and you don’t diverse this. I’m not going to leave you”

“Jack please, I’m letting you go”


Jack pulled Alex around so he was facing him, he placed a hand on Alex’s still warm cheek and pressed their lips together.

“I’m not leaving” Jack said, his lips still pressed to Alex.

“I’m sorry”

“You don’t have to be”

“Thank you” Alex mumbled, pressing his face into Jack’s shoulder.

“Alex I...”

Jack was cut off by a flash of lightning that almost blinded them. When they opened their eyes they were no longer alone.

“Nice to see you again Jack”

Death stood in front of them, her long black dress flouting around her making her look even more sinister.

“I see you’ve brought Alex back to me, how kind of you”

Taking a deep breath Jack took a step toward her, leaving Alex a step behind biting his lip so hard it would have bleed.

 “You can’t have him” Jack said, as strongly as he could manage.

“I warned you about what would happen if you didn’t give him up, now I have to take both of you”

“NO! I’m not letting you take Jack, I’ll go just please don’t” Alex yelled.

“It’s too late, I warned you about crossing me and you did it anyway. This ends tonight”

“No! Just take me please” Alex begged.

“I can’t, your connection is too strong”

“Our connection?” Jack asked.

“What do you think kept Alex as a ghost? I don’t do that. A human becomes a ghost when they have a strong emotional connection to a place or person. It’s Alex’s connection to you that has kept him here so long” Death explained.

“B...But... I didn’t even know him when he died” Jack stuttered.

“But Alex knew you”

“What?” Jack snapped around to stare at Alex, he sighed and looked up to meet Jack in the eye.

“I remember you, you kept appearing in my dreams and I just kept seeing you everywhere. It’s like I was getting grimaces at the future” Alex admitted.

“Why the hell didn’t you mention that?!”

“B...Because I was thinking about you when I... When I... crashed”

“No Alex...”

Jack was on the verge of tears, he was the reason Alex had crashed? This was all his fault.

Death coughed, as to get their attention.

“I need to get this over with, other deaths to see to you know” she said.

“No, still no I won’t let you take Jack too”


“No Jack, NO”

“Alex, it’s okay” Jack said, grabbing hold of his hand in an attempted to calm him down.

“No Jack it’s not, I can’t let you die for me”

“Why not? You already did for me, call it returning the favour”

“Jack no...”

There’s another flash of lightning, the graveyard floods with light for a split second just enough time for the skeletons to return from their graves. Jack, Alex and Death stood surrounded by the dead as there’s a massive roar of thunder and the clouds finally open, sending down sheets of freezing rain.

There was nowhere to run, even if they could. This was the end, Death stood before them waiting for the time to be right. Alex looked up at Jack; he gave him a weak smile which Alex didn’t return. There was no getting out of this now.

“I’m sorry” Alex said.

“Alex, I stand by what I said. You’re worth all of this”

Alex gripped tightly onto Jacks hand.

“We go down together”

“Or we don’t go down at all”

The skeletons advanced, grabbing both of them by the arms and holding them. Still they managed to hold onto each other’s hand, refusing to let go till the end. Dead took her final step toward them.

“Alex, there’s something I keep trying to say and as I guess this is the end I’ll no other chance”

“Jack don’t say that...”

“Alex, I love you”

“Jack, I love you too”

Jack felt a burning touch on his arm then everything went white. 

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