No Choice

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When Jack opened his eyes everything was white, he was lying on the ground surrounded by the brightness of the room.  He sat up, rubbing his head and trying to remember what had had happened, trying to make sure this wasn’t some fucked up nightmare after one too many horror movies. As Jack sat there, blinking the heaviness from his eyes everything came rushing back; the cemetery, the skeletons, Death and of course Alex.

“ALEX!” he yelled, looking all around for the boy but there was nothing, just pure white surrounding him.

“Alex” he called again, but it was silent save his own voice echoing down the walls. He had to find him, Jack didn’t know where he was, he didn’t know if he was even alive. This could be heaven for all he knew, but if it was truly his heaven Alex had to be there somewhere. Slowly getting to his feet, using the wall to support his sore body; Jack began to walk down. Both ways looked exactly the same so he picked to go left and just carried on walking. 

Jack had no idea how long he had been walking, there was no way to tell, and there was no way to tell if he was even walking in a straight line.

“Alex, ‘Lex, where are you?” he kept calling out but every time he was met with deafening silence it made his heart sink a little.

He carried on, though part of him wanted to slump against the wall and cry he didn’t. Where ever Alex was he probably needed him, it was the only thought that made Jack put one foot in front of the other.

Something appeared in the distance, something that wasn’t white. Jack ran, ran towards the something that was the only piece of colour in this forsaken place.

It was Alex, Jack could see his caramel coloured hair, but something wasn’t right. Alex wasn’t lying on the ground like Jack had been; no he was lying on what looked like a table.

“Alex” Jack cried, putting a hand on the boy’s cheek only to find him freezing cold.

“No Alex, come on wake up” Jack begged, shaking Alex’s arm but the boy didn’t stir. He just lay there, curled up with his eyes closed and chest still.

“He won’t wake”

Jack snapped around to see an older man standing behind him; Jack could barely make him out through his tears.

“Why? What did you do to him?” Jack demanded, his voice shaking.

“Nothing dear boy, not yet”

“Yet? What are you going to do?” Jack’s voice getting higher.

“That depends on what you agree to, Jack”

“How do you...”

“Do you not know where you are?” he man asked, Jack shook his head.

“This is Purgatory, Jack”

“P...P...Purgatory? As in the place between Heaven and Hell?”

“That’s right”

“What am I...We doing here?” Jack asked, looking down at Alex.

“You have a choice to make” the man said.

Jack sniffed and wiped away the tears that had trailed down his cheeks. He looked at the man, he was older with white hair and pale blue eyes, and he was shorter than Jack but wider.

“Can you please explain what’s going on? How do I save Alex?” Jack’s breath hitched again as he stared down at Alex’s lifeless form.

“First off my name’s Jacob and I’m an Angel”


There was flash of bright light that left Jack shielding his eyes, when he opened them again a pair of beautiful white wings were spread from Jacob’s back.

“Wow...But still, why?” Jack asked.

“True soul mates are very rare things, most of the time humans assume they are one they’re not, but you are Alex are. It is the connection between you that kept Alex as a ghost after he died. Most of the time two soul mates will never find each other, especially if one is a ghost but you two are quite extraordinary”

Jack took Alex’s cold hand in his own; yeah maybe he could believe that.

 “As you grew closer your energy was reflecting back into Alex, it’s what was causing him to grow more alive. Death saw this as you taking him from her, which I guess you were. When asked to walk away you didn’t so we had to step in”

“You’re the ones that pulled us out of there”

“Correct, we tend not to get involved but a connection like yours could not go unnoticed”

“But what now? Why do I have a choice to make?”

“Alex can’t die without you, nor you without him, but there is something we can do. We can make him an Angel”

“A....An Angel?”

“Yes, but as soul mates I cannot do anything without your consent.”

“What would happen if I say no?” Jack asked.

“He would go back to being a ghost, he would be back form Death and she’d hide him from you forever”

Jack took in a sharp breath, Jacob thought he might be about to start crying again.

“But if he’s an Angel, does he have to stay here?”

“That’s not in my hands” Jacob said.

“So there’s no way of knowing? I could lose him forever!” Jack cried.

“But if you don’t, you diffidently will. This is your only chance Jack”

Jack took a deep and slightly shaky breath. Jacob was right; this was his only to chance to save Alex, to save them.   He knew Alex would do this in an instance if their roles were reversed. Jack ran his fingers over Alex’s cold cheek; he couldn’t bare the lack of warmth beneath his finger tips. Jack turned his head to Jacob.

“Okay, yes do it”

Jacob smiled and took a step closer to Alex; he placed a heart on Alex’s chest and one on Jacks. Before everything went white once again. 

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