Wedding Speech(Yours) Pt. 1

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"This wedding has been a whirlwind of love and happy moments with all the people I love the most. But most of all, it is the day I got to marry the love of my life. Roman, thank you for being my husband. I love you with all my heart and every fiber of my being. Thank you for being my husband."

" Seth, having you my life has been an absolute blessing. First as friends, then boyfriend and girlfriend, then we became engaged and decided to get married. As of today, we're husband and wife and I couldn't be more excited."

"The first day that Dean and I met, I will admit that I thought he was cute and that he was interesting. I wanted to get to know him better. But never in my wildest dreams could I imagined what our future would hold. Every now and then I think to myself, how I'm lucky I am that I got to meet and married such a wonderful person."

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