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Friday, July 19, 2019. 3:56pm.


You heard the old saying? Words have power or you are what you think you are? This is true with affirmations. You are probably wondering what affirmations are? Affirmations are positive words that are said out loud or spoken in silence to motivate ones attention to goals and habits to achieve what you want.

Another way of saying, affirmations are words, or mantras that are used to create a postive images in your mind of what you want to be in order to achieve success in life. Affirmations are good to use when you face with self doubt and difficulties that cripple anyone, or when you feel hopeless and defeated. This method is used to challenge the negative thoughts that plague your mind or the believe system of a lack of self worth. In a way, it helps rewires your thoughts in a positive direction.

To be honest, I know it can be tough. I too struggle with the way I think about things and alot of times its negative and you feel burden by it. But, I know from experience, it does help shift ones perspective in their life. All it takes are small healthy habits to do at your own pace. There is no pressure. On the plus side, it also helps with depression.

For example, in my journal entries I write something like: I am happy. I am kind. I am successfully. I am patient. I am smart. I am resourceful. I am confident. The list goes on. You can choose what words you want that repersents the ideal image of you and repeat them to yourself out loud or in silence looking throw a mirror of your bathroom, car, or your room.

Make sure you start with using I in your sentences statements. It makes for a stronger connection between you and the words you state. But, the take away, is to repeat what you written down to yourself, during the morning three times, and before you go to bed. You can also choose the afternoon if you feel comfortable doing that during that time.

Believe it or not, many successful leaders, politicans, motivational speakers, and successful people in engaging careers, have used this method to inquire success. That is something to consider.

I believe in the power of words and how they can change anything and shape the world around you. If you do this as often as you can, your whole life will change forever. You be flowing with purpose and a new found belief that you can achieve greatness. Remember that. 😁😂

Well, that is all I got on the subject. I hope you enjoyed my entry. Like always, until next time! Be good and be well! Remember, words have power!

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