C h a p t e r : 2

22 5 32

Life is good.

That's all that I can say.

It's been two months since we've gotten married and I couldn't be happier. And if the cat ate the canary grin on Tay's face is any indicator then I'd say she's pretty content as well.

Everything has just been perfect.

While she took care of the wedding preparations, I focused on getting our home ready. I wanted it to be a total surprise.

The one bedroom apartment is slightly aging and definitely a far cry from those flashy upscale flats. But my family and I made sure it was in livible conditions before moving in. It's in a good neighborhood and the fact that it's ten minutes away from both our families doesn't hurt either.

After we left the reception, I brought Tay to our little home. Before allowing her to enter, I made it very clear that this place is only temporary and that whatever money I can save will be going towards our dream home. She giggled and told me not worry and that she looks forward to our future.

Two days later we left for our honeymoon. It was a lovely little cabin, surrounded by the woods on one side and the beach on the other. It was breathtaking. We spent two weeks there, trying out all sorts of activities our guide suggested.

Neither of us were too thrilled about returning home but I couldn't deny that I was excited about officially starting our lives together in our own home.

You know that saying about making the best out of every situation as long as you have the right person beside you?

I finally understood what it meant when I realized that I didn't even mind all the unpacking we had to do as long as we did it together. When I mentioned this to my mother, she laughed and said we're still in that goo-goo eye phase.

I scoffed at her words, even as I could feel the heat creep up my neck. Never have I been more thankful for our darker skin tones than I had in that moment-
especially since my colleagues were just a few feet away. Knowing those nosy buggers, they were probably trying to listen in on my call.

Deciding that it's best to carry on this conversation another time, I tell my mum that I'll stop by later and then hang up.

Turning back to my food, I quickly dig into the toasted sandwich my wife lovingly prepared this morning. I let out a moan of satisfaction, Tay is very talented in the kitchen and even the simplest of things manage to become a masterpiece.

I've actually mentioned to her that she should think about writing her own cookbook or maybe hosting classes for young girls that are interested.

She's a bit skeptical. She doesn't think that she could do it but I know she has it in her. Nevertheless I ensured her that I wasn't pressuring her, it was just a suggestion considering her love for the kitchen.

I feel a pang in my heart. It's only been a few hours since I'd last seen her, but I miss her every moment that I'm away from her.

I know, I know. I sound really clingy right now. And I would feel bad about being so overwhelming if I didn't know that my wife reciprocates my feelings.

Speaking of which, my phone chooses that moment to vibrate with an incoming message. Opening the message I smile when I realize it's from the subject of my thoughts.

She's sent me a meh-meh, or as Tahiyyah has recently informed me it's pronounced 'meem'. Still don't get how it's called a meme but whatever. Social media is weird.

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