Viktoria's PMs

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Noam and Viktoria

Viktoria: Noam?

Noam🌌: Yes?

Viktoria: Will you go and meet the giraffes with me tomorrow? 🥺

Noam🌌: Are you scared of them?

Viktoria: Have you seen them? What if it tries to eat me. I have been told I look like a snack.

Noam🌌: Oh you dafty.

Viktoria: Please...

Noam🌌: I'll think about it.

Viktoria: Noam🥺

Noam🌌: Viktoria 🥺

Viktoria: What do I do if it tries to eat me?

Noam🌌: Well for one you feed it first so it doesn't eat you.

Viktoria: Noam?

Noam🌌: Roar.

Viktoria: Ahhhh!!! ITS A BEAR!

Noam🌌: 😂

Viktoria: No I'm being serious. Would you like to go to the zoo with meh?

Noam🌌: Let me check my plans and I'll see what I can do.

Viktoria: Okay.

Noam🌌: Anything else?

Viktoria: Can you maybe get me a super nova jacket? I'll pay you back.

Noam🌌: Of course I can what size are you?

Viktoria: small...

Noam🌌: Duh why did I even ask that?

Viktoria: Because your a dafty Noam

Noam🌌: only sometimes but don't tell anyone.

Viktoria: your secret is safe with me. 🤭

Phoenyx And Viktoria:

Nyx😇: Well have you and Noam you know...

Viktoria✨: You know what the difference between you and I is?

Nyx😇: That you had sex with Noam and I didn't? 😏

Viktoria✨: Umm no. I actually am home alone and want Pizza.

Nyx😇: Pizza? Last week it was ice cream? Are your pregnant already?


Nyx😇: Ooo hhh

Viktoria✨: Have you got those eyes checked yet?

Nyx😇: How yes I did I had an eye test with Trevor's abs.

Viktoria✨: Mhmm

Nyx😇: You know how there is eight...

Viktoria✨: Mhmmm

Nyx😇: Yeah well I am sure there was nine because sooner or later I'll be on there 😏

Viktoria✨: Phoenyx!! This is PG conversation!

Nyx😇: It list it's PG rating when I join the conversation.

Viktoria✨: I'm going to go get my pizza now.

Nyx😇: I told Noam to get you pizza.

Viktoria✨: Nooooo......

Nyx😇: what?

Viktoria✨: I'm in my bathtub I don't need him to see me in my bathtub.

Nyx😇: He won't mind. Now if you don't mind I need to reply to Trevor.

Viktoria✨: Please do...

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