Chapter 2

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Perrie POV:

I punch the guy behind me in the face as I run to eleanor. I place my hands on her heart, she still breathing. I slap her face multiple times, hoping it would wake her up, but nothing happens, I soon start crying, I have never been alone in a mission, El passed out and Morgan, probaly locked up. I stand up teary eyed, as I March forward to the guy, with black hair who put the stuff in her that made her pass out. I punch him in the face, and then kick in him the chest making fall back, gasping for air, the guy next to him helps him up. Everyone stares at me wide eyes.

"What the fuck did you do to her", I scream at the five guys.

"She fines, just passed out, where are you girls from", the curly one questioned.

"That's none of your business", I spit.

"Thanks for the spit", he's says wiping his under eye area.

"My pleasure", I growl at him.

"Now we're Morgan", I ask.

It's takes him a while to reamber who I'm talking about, but he soon anwsers with a wide smirk. "Oh the little blonde one, don't worry she safe, just like your other friend", he says glancing behind my back. I see nothing, but that's the problem, eleanor gone.

"Perrie", Someone screams, I turn around to see morgan running over to me.

"Who's this doofuses, weres el", she ask out of breath.

"This is curly, and they took her", I whisper the last part.

"It's harry", curly says stepping in, but we ignore him.

A look of horror strikes her face, before I know it she punches harry in the face. The little blonde one comes, and hold her down, same with the guy I punch in the face does the same to me.

"There from s.s.a", the brown haired one says.

"Yeah we are, so what does that have to do with you", I grunt.

"Your are enemies sweetie, sweet dreams", the guy behind me says but it sounds all muffle, as my vision becomes blurry, I collapse in the guy arms behind me. No one there to save me.


Eleanor POV-

I don't know how long it's been, but I just got all my memory back. What the fuck is wrong with me, I hesitated on killing that mother fucker, I don't know if you can tell but I'm pissed off. Why didn't I kill him, I wouldn't be in this situation, but his eyes, told me not to harm him. Why? Why is he differant? I hear the locks clicking, I quickly slow down my breathing, as if I'm sleeping, and close my eyes, still pretending to be knocked out.

"Don't pretend to be a sleep love, we know your awake", the same guy with the eyes, says with a giant smirk on his face.

"Let me go", I say struggling in my chair.

"Now why would I do that", he has with a smirk

I just huff, while silence takes over us until.

"Oh my god, weres perrie and Morgan", I ask unsteady, hoping he said they escaped.

"Oh the two little blondies, they are in the same position you are in, but the little one still hasn't woken up yet, wich is bad". He says staring at the wall.

"Why is it bad", i slowly, not sure if I want to know the anwser.

"You see we may have gave the smaller dose to tall blonde, and bigger dose to small blonde", he says. My mouth flows open.

"You mean to tell me you drugged us, and you gave to much to Morgan because she so small and she might not wake up", I say on the verge of tears. Morgan can't die, I won't allow her too.

"Yes", he says guilty.

"Do you even have doctors working on her? is she going to wake up? did you know what you did?", I keep on firing question, but he doesn't answer any of them.

I just break down, first rule is 'never let you guard down' but hey I'm breaking that rule, even though I just met Morgan and Zoe they're like sister, Morgan can die and it's all my fault.

"Hey don't cry", they guys says coming close to me, wiping my tears away. I slap him in the face, how dear he act all nice out of the sudden.

"No you don't understand, it's my fault, because I didn't kill you, I hesitated to kill you, why didn't I kill you when I had the opportunity too, I let you guys drugged me, I didn't fight it, if I would of kill you, we would be out of here with the box, safe and alive, I'm going to loose my job as an s.s.a if Morgan doesn't wake up", I breathe heavily, try to calm down my breathing.

"You were soppused to kill me, but you didn't, why?", he asked confused.

"I don't know, probly because I'm shit at my job". I growl and fustaration.

"What the fuck is wrong with me, I never has hesitated, until you, killing comes easy for me, it's like falling asleep, I killed my first animal when I was nine, I killed my first person when I was twelve, I grew up with death, that's why when I was seven I moved into the s.s.a, my mother died on child birth, my dad hated me for it, he became a acholic, beat me, all because I killed my mother, so I left home at seven, Diana took me in, I became Bestfriend with sophia and perrie, then at twelve I killed my dad, and then I had no emotion left when it comes to killing"..."crap I just told you my whole life story, how about you kill me now", I mutter, God why am I such a blabber mouth.

"Oh wow... and I'm not allow to kill you just yet", he says. We get interupted, by a little blonde fellow.

"Who's the leprechaun", I ask, 'blue eyes' just snickers in the cowner.

"It's nial, and that's louis", he's says giddy. How do they do there job, and still be happy, they fricken drugged us.

"Simon wants us", nial says just barely audible for me to hear. Louis just nods, and follow nial out if the room. Before he gone, he pops his end inside the room.

"Don't go anywhere", he says smiling. A real smile.

"I'm locked up", I say, he just nods and locks the door. Oh there dumb. I manage to unlock my hands with a trusty bobby pin, they should have checked him I had any bobby pins on me, there so dumb, everyone knows, bobby pins can unlock anything. I quickly undo my feet, and shake out my body. I run to the door, taking my gun, that was in my back pocket, there was no way, they were going to touch anywhere near that gun. I shield my eyes, as I hear the bullet, hit the lock, and break it. I look through all the tiny windows the door have, until I fine Perries, I quickly get her out.

"Do you know wich room Morgan is in", I ask, she just shakes her head 'no'. We go back to looking through the tiny windows, until we get to the room were Morgan is. She still breathing, and quickly pick her up over my shoulders, and run outside, to wear we came from.

We take turn holding Morgan, until we find are way to the car, they left us. We quickly drive back to the hotel, Diana order the pent house for us, while we stay here, we make are way to the top floor, to see sophia pacing back and forth, and Zoe ferociously typing on the computer.

"Guys a little help", perrie says dragging Morgan. When Zoe sees Morgan she starts to tear up.

"Is she died", Zoe whimpers.

"No, not yet" I say, helping perrie place her on the couch. We stick are finger down her throat, making her throw up, they drugs, that were inside of her, but she still uncouincous.

I'm going to kill those boys, well if I can even kill anyone now.

Let's face it

I'm weak.

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