Chapter three Too much

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Zoe POV:

I walk into the other room, not able to handle what just happend. I collapse on to the bed crying. I position myself so I'm sitting across from the window looking up to the sky.

"God, I know I don't talk to you a lot, but I'll do anything to make sure Morgan survives"..."please shes like a sister to me", I cry at the last part. This hurts way more then my first heart break. Why Morgan, why did those stupid boys have to drug her. I hear the door creak open, to see eleanor and sophia tip-toe in, and sit on the either side of me.

"Wheres perrie", i sniffle.

"She talking to the doctor", El states.

"Want to talk", Sophia suggest.

"Can you hug me", I ask as my lip quivers. They both give me sympathic looks, and just give me a bear crushing hug.

"She going to be all right", Sophia murmurs into my ear.


It's been a couple days and Morgan is still recovering, we're going to switch positions, she going to stay behind the screen, while I'm doing combat. I obouivsly know how to fight, I've trained for the last three years of my life, but I'm only been on two mission were I fought in. Morgan has been giving me a couple tips, as I do the same with her.

"Ready", perrie ask all suited up.

"No matter what happens do not allow them to put any needles into you", Eleanor says. "Also can you kill", she ask.

"Yea, but not as swiftly as you", I say, she gives me a weak smile. Perrie also notice this new side of her.

"What's wrong El, ever since you didn't kill that guy you've been off", perrie says sloothingly.

"It's nothing", she states, not in the mood to talk.

We enter the building, as my body begins to shake. There about 50 guys training in there.

"Shit, I thought there soppuse to be on lunch brake", El mumurs

These aren't your normal guys, these guys are just mussels. I see El take out her gun, and starts firing. perrie just starts punching them to death, but she got a couple bruises. I take out my knifes, and start chucking them at people, hitting them in the head, and chest. I get punch in the chest, a couple time, before there all gone. perrie isn't in the best shape right now, she covered in bruises, she only had her fist and legs to defend herself, and those guys were 3 times her size, we all have bruises perrie the worst, then me, then El.

"You okay", I ask, as perrie clutches her stomach in pain.

"Zoe start looking for the box, while I help perrie", El says. I nod, and search the room, I go into the hallway, and go into the second room. There it is the box, I grab, but I get interrupted. Someone punched me in the face, my hand finds its way to my cheek, and my cheek throbs in pain.

"Sorry, but you can't have this", the blonde one says in a thick Irish accent, holding Dianas box. Four boys show up behind him, as I get coner into the room. A guy with a mop of brown hair comes closer to me.

"Kill her", the other brown haired one says with a quiff. I do the only thing I can do, scream, as loud I can for a signal of help. I hear footsteps running down the hallway, soon someone starts banging on the locked door.

"Zoe, are you all right, Zoe open up, Zoe please", El begs from the other side of the door.

"Oh so your also part of there group, how lovely", the curly one says. I hear a load bang, that distract the boys, as El walks in, gun in hand, with perrie quickly behind her, atleast she okay.

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