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Elounor pov:

I sniffle back my cry, as I exit Diana's office.

"What's wrong, what did she say", perrie ask.

"I got fired, I need to leave, I failed Diana, I'm the reason why we didn't succeed, I'm sorry", I cry, wrapping my arms around the girls.

"No, that's not fair, it's all aee fault", Morgan says furios.

"No, it's okay, I need a break",I sniffle.

"Will we see you again", Zoe ask.

"I'll always be here, you can never get rid of me", I wink before leaving the warm building, into the noisy cold air of newyork. Next thing I know I'm on a plane ride back home to Manchaster, were I grew up. I think about everything. How my parents grew up in Doncaster then when they had me, my mom died, then my dad and I moved to Manchaster, for a fresh start, then everything turned into a mess. How did my life end up like this shit.
I walk down the cobblestone road, as I roll my two bags, I stop in the all two familiar house, my house, that no one has been inside sense my father death. I walk into my house, everything in good shape beside the dust everywhere, trace my fingers on the outside of the pictures frames of my family, when I stop on one of the three of us, the only family picture, it's a picture of me and my parents right after my mom had me, not untill five minutes later I died in her arms. I walk up the old wooden stairs, and take a left, Into the baby pink room, pictures of my friends and I hang, I lay down in my princess bed , my feet hanging off the end. I quickly get up, and exit, and then to enter my dad room, a harsh breeze of cold air, hits my face as I open the door, this room brings back so many memories good and bad, good mostly, most of the time he couldn't get up the stairs, so when he did he was sober and happy, it's like he had two life's, but I mostly only exists in the bad one most of the times. I walk to his desk, to see his open laptop, with a flash drive, I click play on the document. I watch in horror as viedo plays, that is label July 16 1992; my birthday. Tears prickle down my face, as my dad takes me out of my arms, I'm guessing the nurse filming this shows him and me, and totally ignoring my mom, untill they here her heart monitor starts beeping, my dad screaming my mother name and me crying, I quickly shut the computer, as I wipe my tears. I quickly move to his dresser, as I open te third drawer, where all his belts are laid nicely. There were good moments but all the good moments we had couldn't even compare to all the bad momments. I take all the belts and run outside with them, throwing them outside on the streets, same with his clothes, God how I hate him, but love him, fuck me.
Hours have past of me cleaning, and I'm just on my phone laying on the couch as the doorbell rings, startle by the noise I drop my phone on my face.

"I'm coming", I scream, "shit, that really hurt" I mumble to myslef as I walk to the door. My mouth gaps as I as curly, blondie, and him, stand in my doorway, God, can't that part of my life be over. They have the same experssion, as I do. we stand there for about three moments, before blondie speaks up.

"Umm this is awkward, what should we do, should we attack her, or..." He whisper to the others, but obviously I'm able to hear.

"I can hear you, you don't have to attack, I got fired, because I failed to do my job", I say the last part staring into louis, blue eyes.

"Um here", curly says handing me my dad belts, "sorry the shirts are ruining but the belts are still okay, I bet your dad still wants them", his hands still waiting me to grab them, I just stare at at them then back at him.

"What are you doing here", I ask ignoring the belts.

"I live here, my house is down the street, what are you doing here", curly ask, confused why I still haven't took the belts from him.

"This is my house", I say, closing the door.

"Wait, the belts", he says placing his foots in between the door, letting them selfs into my house. They follow me into the living room, as I stare at the belts, this is where he beated me in this room.

"Get those thing out of here", I shall threw my gritted teeth, as all of the harsh of memories come back to my in a flash.

"But doesn't your dad...", blondie starts.

"No, my dad dead, so you may leave", I say pushing them out of my house, and slamming my door in there faces, louis didn't even say anything, but his eyes still haunt me, but also comfort me, in a way, I haven't felt in so many years.

I know haven't updated, but I have know, this isn't edit, so sorry for the writing mistakes, enjoy @mention a user

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