Chapter: 2

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Steve walked back into the house him and his wife shared. He opened the door and walked inside. Setting down his iron hoe by the door, he walked into the kitchen and put the wheat he got from their garden into a chest. The door opened and the his wife ran into the kitchen. She looked shocked, and kind of scared. Not much could scare the Huntress, this worried Steve even more. "What is it?"Steve asked. She took a deep breath to calm down.
"I was in the woods the other day on a hunting trip. I was coming back home that night, when I saw a bright flash of light. When it was gone I noticed the tree was carved-."
"What did it say?" Steve interuppted. Alex sighed.
"It said 'ready or not, here I come.'" She informed.
"Was there anything else?" Steve asked desperately.
"It was signed with an H. That's it."
"Could it be?" Steve asked himself. Visions of that day in the dungeon came into his mind: how he got locked in the room, how he was worried about his brother, how when he finally broke down the door he could hear someone whispering his brothers name, and lastly his when he found where his brother's torch was laying and noticed a two discs beside it. One was called: eleven. The other one was thirteen. Disc eleven was cracked and only made off noises. But Steve knew that cough, it belonged to his missing brother. "Herobrine?" Steve asked no one in particular.

Book 2: The Return of HerobrineWhere stories live. Discover now