Chapter: 7

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"Alex?!" Steve shouted. "Calm down. This is Herobrine," The Adventurer introduced.
"We are not brothers. Not by birth." Herobrine corrected.
"He...uh...glitched into the world on accident." Steve explained. Alex nodded slowly and got off the Lost One, but she kept her bow out and ready.
"Okay." The Huntress said slowly. "So he's a glitch?" She said motioning at Herobrine with her bow.
"To put it bluntly, yes." The Lost One scoffed. If he could, he'd roll his eyes. Alex put away her bow.
"Okay, you don't look like a normal person. What do you want?" She asked impatiently.
"Well, Ms. Huntress, I am searching for another immortal to help me. And I thought: my dearest brother Steve would be glad to help me." The glitch explained in a sweet voice.
"Herobrine, we can't kill Notch. It's against everything we stand for." The Adventurer lectured.
"What about you, Huntress? Will you help me destroy Notch, for all the lies he's told us?" The Lost One turned to Alex, who pulled her bow and readied it quickly. Soon she was pointing it at Herobrine's head.
"I will do no such thing." She said in a low voice. Herobrine growled.
"You both just like him," the Lost One sneered, "you only care about you own worthless lives." His voice grew deeper and more demonic. "I will destroy Notch, with or without you. Then, after I murder him, I am coming for you both!" He shouted, then he disappeared again in a bright white flash.
"You don't think he'd going to kill Notch, do you?" Alex asked.
"He'd need another immortal. Luckily we are the only known three." Steve tried to assure them both.

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