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' go beyond the moon that
sleeps deeply '

CHAPTER TWO' go beyond the moon that sleeps deeply '

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[ L. N ] [ Y. N ] GROANED LOUDLY as the sun hit her skin subtly, awaking her up. The girl felt a soft hand on her forehead, and it was all blurry after she opened her eyes.

"Oh dear... Your fever has gone up..." [ y. n ]'s mother sighed, stroking her hair and tucked them behind her ear, retreating her hand afterwards.

"M-mom...?" [ y. n ] asked unsure, squinting her eyes. The mother smiled softly at her child before nodding, "Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

[ y. n ] groaned in dissatisfaction, sniffing her nose, "My throat hurts..."

Her mother sighed before placing her hand on her cheeks, "Ah.. I knew it. You do have a flu as well, after all."

[ y. n ]'s eyes widened as she tried to get up, "Eehhh...? Whyy..? How..?" She started to whine and move around uncomfortable, her migraine not going away.

Her mother softly grunted in response, "Please stay still, [ y. n ], you'll only worsen your condition!"

[ y. n ] whined loudly with a big pout, sniffing, "But I can't be sick!"

Her mother sighed tiredly, once again. "I know, I know," she mumbled before bending down and kissed her forehead.

"But you won't be all alone today. Your boyfriend and some of his friends are coming to visit you, you know," she chimed, teasingly, making little [ y. n ]'s cheek flushed.

"Moooom!" She groaned loudly before covering herself fully under the cover.

"Alright, alright, I'll go noww~" She hummed before walking to the door, "Get some rest, sweetheart. I love you!"

[ y. n ] huffed, looking away as the door closed. "Love you too..." She mumbled in response, listening to her mother's footsteps getting further and further away from her. Her consciousness managed to slip away from her as well, slowly by slowly, before everything turned dark.


"Shōto-kun! Right here!" Midoriya's voice could be heard by the heterochromatic boy from afar. His eyes glanced around before landing them on the waving overexcited broccoli boy with the tall lavender man. "Yo," Shinsō greeted.

"Good morning, you two," he greeted.

"You kinda looked like me. Insomnia keeping you awake too?" Shinsō asked as his arms crossed, interrogating him. Midoriya frowned in worry, "Shōto-kun, did you get to meet them?"

Todoroki glanced away, his eyebrows knitting together. "Doesn't matter. We're here to visit [ l. n ], aren't we?" He huffed. Midoriya glanced at Shinsō worriedly, he only sighed in response before patting his back, "Let's go, then?"

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