Move a Little Closer Now

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Chapter One

Harry was so done with girls throwing themselves at him.

It didn't matter that he was only seventeen years old; the fact that he was a handsome Alpha, who was rich due to his father being the head of his own construction company, made Omegas of all ages fall at his feet. It was bad enough that he had to suffer through being hit on again by a thirty-year-old, desperate wanna-be, but Harry draws the line at it happening in front of his mother.

He tries to be nice to everyone, tries his very hardest, but some people really know how to test his patience.

Also, did he mention he likes guys?! When will these females take a freaking hint and preferable a seat. He prances around in only the most recent collection of Gucci for fucks sake. How much more obvious can he make it?

"So like, here's my number, and you can call me anytime you want for anything you want," Becca, the obnoxious, blonde, spray tanned Omega said to Harry while leaning in to him as close as humanly possible with her gross, claw like hand wrapped tightly around his bicep. She had a piece of paper in her hand with her number written on it that she held out, basically shoving it in Harry's face.

Harry's mom stood off to the side of the store awkwardly with the bag of clothes she just bought clasped tightly in her hands, ready to jump in at a moment's notice since her baby boy was being harassed.

"Yeah, no thanks. That won't be happening," Harry said as he ripped the woman's hand off of him. Harry snapped, all politeness flying head-first out the window. "And how old are you anyway? Don't you have like even a shred of dignity? What is a thirty-five-year-old like yourself doing asking out someone still in high-school?"

"Thirty-five?! I-I'm only twenty-nine!" Becca gasped like a fish flopping around on a deck.

"Honey, that really doesn't help your case. My mom's waiting over there since you rudely interrupted our day out. I hope you find someone your own age. Have a nice day," Harry said, walking over to his mother without giving the woman a second glance. "Sorry mom. She'll leave us alone now."

"Does this normally happen when you go out?" His mother asked, a little shocked that she hadn't been aware of this before.

"Well-" Harry was cut off by the sound of someone behind a clothing rack on his left snickering. "Well, occasionally. It's usually just girl Omegas who are desperate to find a mate. I mean, of course it doesn't happen as often with boy Omegas since those are few and far between."

Harry hates that omega's who are boys are so rare to find. They make up such a small percentage of the population that Harry doesn't think he's ever going to find one that he likes enough to mate, never mind one that he'd fall in love with.

He's only met two male Omegas before - one being Liam's mate, Niall, and the other being his friend, Nick, who hit on him and asked him out the first time they met at a mutual friend's party. Harry was tempted since he never went out with a male Omega before, but after a quick make-out session with Nick, Harry knew he wasn't that attracted to the Omega and that Nick wasn't who he wanted.

The snickering only grew louder at hearing Harry awkwardly talk more about Omegas occasionally hitting on him. It was a cute, little laugh, but it still started to piss Harry off.

Harry turned towards the clothing rack and pushed all of the clothing to one side.

Stood behind the clothing was a perfectly tanned boy who looked around thirteen, standing there with his eyes closed and his hand over his mouth as he tried to hold in his giggles.

The boy had sweater paws even though it was mid-summer and hot as hell out, and he looked like his little body was completely drowning in his sweater, which reached down to the middle of his thighs.

Harry would have assumed he was wearing a dress at first if it wasn't for the tiny hint of the boy's shorts peeking out from under his sweater.

The caramel-headed boy heard the sound of the clothes being moved on the rack and opened his eyes at the noise. Harry was met with the most beautiful ocean-blue eyes he's ever seen in his life.

"Oops," Harry said suddenly, complexed with how a creature can be so much of everything - tiny, soft, beautiful, cute, yet sharp, rugged, and hot all at once.

"Hi," the mystery boy said, dropping his hand from his mouth with a smile still lit up across his face.

"I'm Harry. I-" Harry was cut off by a lady yelling, "Boo! Come on, we're leaving!"

"I've got to go," the boy mumbled softly while looking at the ground. He looked up and said, "but thanks for making me laugh. I usually hate shopping!" And with that, he left following what must have been his mother and a few younger siblings out the double doors of the store.

Harry looked after him, frozen in place and shocked that he had met someone who looked like that.

His mother cleared her throat, and Harry jumped, forgetting in the moment that she had even been standing there. He turned to face her and was met with raised eyebrows and a knowing look on her face that only a mother who knows her child so well could make.

"You should have gone after him," his mother, Anne, breaks the silence.

Harry whips his head around again, "He was too young. He looked like thirteen or maybe even twelve! Plus, he probably wasn't even an Omega."

Anne snorts, "Hon, we were looking at the same boy, right? There's no way that little sweetheart wasn't an Omega. Omegas can look very childish and young, but I'd say he was around fourteen. Three years younger than you isn't bad at all. "

Harry whined, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "Mommm, stop. He's already gone. Let's forget about it and go back to shopping."

Anne threw her hands up in the air with an easy smile on her face, "Okay! If that's what you want. We will just leave it up to fate then."

Harry groaned again. "Let's go buy you a better Coach bag. The one you're lugging around belongs in the trash." With that, both Harry and his mother went on their way.

They stopped and looked at bags while Harry kept replaying the mental images of the younger boy over in his head, and when they got home late at night after a full day of shopping, Harry landed on his bed and fell asleep to the thought of blue eyes sparkling back at him.

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