If You Can't Do the Math

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  Chapter Three

Harry daydreamed the entire rest of the morning.

His head was in the clouds. When he met Liam and Niall for lunch after 4th period, they could tell immediately how distracted he was. The three of them chose a table towards the back of the cafeteria. Harry searched around the room for Louis, hoping they had the same lunch period.

Odds are, they probably don't, and the thought made Harry glum.

"Earth to Harry," Niall said from where he was perched on Liam's lap regardless of the fact that there were seats galore surrounding them. The fiery omega reached across the table and waved his hand in front of Harry's roaming eyes.

The bell rang signaling the start of their lunch period. Harry glanced at Niall before going back to looking around the now crowded room.

"I'm going to go get lunch," Harry mumbled distractedly as he pushed up from his chair and made his way to the front of the cafeteria to get on the lunch line. He reached into his skinny jeans to get out a twenty from his wallet. As he did so, the smell of roses and citrus hit him again, and he knew the omega was near.

Harry whipped his head around, looking back out at the crowded cafeteria. He looked left and right until he finally saw the small, caramel-haired boy standing towards his right at the front entrance of the cafeteria.

The Omega stood with a black-haired boy who looks around the same age as Louis except for the dark-haired boy being taller. Harry could tell instantly that he's a young alpha, probably recently presented.

Some sort of feeling festers in Harry's chest, seeing the young alpha talk to Louis. It's red and hot and feels sort of like anger, but that can't be it, can it? How can he be angry at someone he's never met, someone he doesn't even know?

Someone stopped the two boys a little ways away from the cafeteria entrance. He talked mainly to Louis and got unreasonably close to him; at least it's unreasonable in Harry's eyes. Harry only saw the back of the guy's head until he turned his face to the left giving Harry a look at his profile.


Full on rage seethed from Harry's every pore. The feeling is nowhere near the tame distaste he felt for the young, black-haired alpha. He's chest burned as he unconsciously bared his teeth at the sight of what happened a couple of feet from him. A growl ripped its way out of his mouth.

Louis' eyes turned towards the sound, and he gasped when he saw Harry baring his teeth at them. His head tilted to the side, displaying his neck at the power behind the Alpha's growl. People in the immediate vicinity around Harry quieted down a bit from their incessant chatter to look at the half-crazed Alpha.

Harry walked over to them in a puff and pushed Brett back, away from Louis. "Leave him alone," Harry said darkly.

Brett hadn't been expecting Harry and stumbled back in surprise before gaining his footing. Now was as best a time as any to get under Harry's skin.

You can hear Louis' shocked "Harry!" be heard in the background, but Harry's got his sight locked on Brett as he put himself directly in front of the Omega. Harry didn't even get to celebrate in the fact that the Omega he was obsessed with remembered his name from the one time they interacted together.

Brett smirked. "Oh, Harry! I didn't see you there. I'm assuming you met my good friend Louis here and....Zebra," Brett said, while scratching the side of his head.

"It's Zayn," the black-haired alpha mumbled, sounding very relaxed regardless of the situation.

"Just stay away from him, Brett," Harry snarled. "I'm sure there are plenty of new Omegas for you to sink your claws into, but this one is off limits."

Made Your Mark on Me // Larryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن