Want a Taste

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Chapter Two

You're still the one that I love. The only one I dream of. You're still the one I kiss goodnight.

The music blared from the speakers in Harry's room as Harry stared up at the crack in his ceiling from where he was spread out starfish style in the center of his bed.

He hates to admit it, but Harry's been in a bit of a slump lately. His shit mood even started to piss Niall off! Harry didn't even know the carefree Irishmen could be pissed off until he snapped one day when Harry was being his new, sulky self.

"Cut the shit, Harry! It's Friday! What is there to be annoyed about on a Friday?" Niall shouted after Harry made a comment about wishing it were Sunday already, considering he doesn't want to go out and hasn't felt like going out for the past few weeks. "We're gonna be seniors this year! We have to make our presence known and assert our dominance over the freshmen guppies and all the other crybabies in the grades below us!"

"Niall, you're an omega. You don't have a dominant bone in your body," Harry said, trying to sidetrack the fake blonde.

Niall gasped like it was the most horrendous insult ever thrown his way. "I'm going to forget you said that because I'm such a good best friend and only want the best for my mean, mean asshole of a friend," Niall spits out in a rapid pace. Harry lucky he's known Niall for so many years, otherwise he would not have understood a word of what he just said.

"Are you finished?" Harry inquires.

"No. No, I'm not dickwad. We are going to meet Li at the party and get seriously shit-faced, and I don't want to hear a word of complaint from the likes of you," Niall says with a turned up nose and a grim frown upon his face. "Now, grab your phone and order us an uber because you're paying after the emotional trauma you put me through tonight."

Harry sighs and rolls his eyes but does what Niall asks. Sure, Niall is always this dramatic, but Harry can tell he's always still happy while being dramatic. Harry has known Niall long enough to know that this is one of the extremely rare times that under the dramatic facade, Niall's annoyed with him. Harry feels a bit bad about that considering he really has been being an ass and a shit friend for the past couple of weeks.

It's not Harry's fault though. Harry had hope the first week after he met the blue-eyed boy at the end of July that he would bump into him again. Harry went from store to store around town each day thinking that it was fate that they'd run into each other. Of course, that didn't happen.

When has fate ever been on Harry's side?

Soon, he gave up and has since then been locked away in his room for the majority of the time thinking about the small lad who he's given many nicknames to; blue, sunshine, sweet cheeks and kitten, which was Harry's personal favorite.

Harry's mom even started to notice a difference in the way Harry's been acting and so did Gemma. The only difference being that while his mom was kind and understanding towards why he was moping, Gemma gave him such shit for it.

But just look at us holdin' on. We're still together, still goin' strong.

In true older sister fashion, Gemma came barging into his room, unplugging his speakers.

"Hey, I was listening to that!" Harry said, disgruntled at being interrupted. Leave it to Gemma to break up any shred of tranquility Harry had tried to formulate within the confines of his four bedroom walls.

"If I am forced to listen to another Shania Twain song, I will literally lose my shit and end up throwing these speakers out of this two-story window," Gemma explained in a firm tone. "Do you remember what tomorrow is?"

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