chapter three.

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"What?" I asked him like I didn't know what he meant.

"I really like you, you seem like a cool and funny person to be around." He answered with a chuckle.

"Haha thanks, you are pretty cool yourself."

He blushed at my answer and it was so freaking adorable.

There was like a 30 second silence between us when Trevor broke it.

"So why are you flying to England.....alone?" I could tell that he was kinda nervous.

"I fly alone to england 4 times per year to my grandparents and I fly alone since I was 5." I wasn't finished as he cut me of.

"Wait what!!! 5 is that even possible?"

It was funny how shocked he was.

"Haha Trevor you didn't let me finish, there always is flight attendant that brought me to the plane and of it when I had to go in the airport and be picked up by my grandparents."

He had such an interest in me that it was cute.

"Wow that is really impressive, do you still have a flight attendant help you?"

"Hahah no since I was 12 I fly completely without help."

" ah I see, and how old are you now?"

Wow he does ask a lot of questions but I was completely fine with that.

"I'm 15, turning 16 in December."

"Cool I'm 16."

He really was my age haha I can guess really good. I was laughing at myself for my thought.

"Hey what's so funny?."

He asked while also laughing.

"Haha it's nothing it's just cute how you ask me so many questions."

Wait did I really just say that....

I was probably blushing like crazy.

"Haha thanks oh and by the way you look cute while blushing and I'm asking so many questions cause you seem interesting. "

Now he started to blush.

"Well ok lets play a game."

I suggested.

"Ok spill it."

"We can play a game where we ask each other questions and we have to answer them as fast as we can."

"Sounds good, I'll start."

Trevor had an evil smirk on his face.

" first question......


Hahah cliffhanger

I'll probably post alot today because I am sick and I literally can't do anything except writing and reading so yay.

We met on a plane (trevor moran fan fiction)*complete* #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now