Chapter One

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Yoongi's Pov

The screams erupted loudly as Love Myself starts playing through the speakers. As I looked around searching for Jimin and Jungkook I see them singing in front of the camera giving funny faces. I started rapping and the camera man rushes to me. I gave the crowd a soft smile and started waving with Army. I continue to walk around and spotted Hoseok dancing to his rap. Then Jimin came in hugging him from the side and smiling during his part. I give a tight smile as Hoseok ruffled his hair and pulls away to give the fans high fives in the front of the crowd.

I shake off the bad feeling I had and continue to do the wave dance with the fans and I felt someone on my back making me stagger my movement a bit. I realized it was Taehyung as his voice was close and clear. My forehead creased as I was confused as to why he would hug me and not someone else.

"Come on Hyung lighten up" He shook my shoulders a bit laughing. I rolled my eyes and give into him. I held onto his thighs and hoisted him higher on my hips as I started running around the stage with him laughing above me. As the song came to a end he jumps off my back and we gather around in a line. I stand next to Hoseok and my eyes widen as he wraps his arm around my small waist. He smiled brightly to the crowd. I smile to myself and wave to the crowd.

"Kim Namjoon!!"

"Kim Seokjin!!"

"Min Yoongi!!"

"Jung Hoseok!!"

"Park Jimin!!"

"Kim Taehyung!!"

"Jeon Jungkook!!"

The Army chanted over and over as the seven of us walked across the stage just finishing our last concert of our tour. The lights from the Army bombs lit up the entire the stage.

"ARMYYYYYYY" I shouted happily into the mic. They cheer and shout in delight making me smile more. "Did you have fun tonight!!?" I ask as they began to shout agreeing with me. The seven of us then said goodbye even though it was painful to leave army all things do end.

"I'm fucking hungry!" Jungkook shouts as he throws his mic onto the table in our dressing room. Slowly we all entered and waited for our vans to arrive so we can head home. Jin folds his arms shaking his head at Jungkook. "You really should stop cursing its not a good image." He says with a sigh and that is when Jungkook looks over to him annoyed." Your not a good image!!" He shouts and everyone looks at them.

Jungkook would sometimes get like this and I knew just how to stop it. "What!! Want to repeat that for me because I didn't know I ordered a plate of disrespect!!"Jin shouts back and Namjoon holds him back. Now things were starting to escalate and the only way was to get kook to calm down.

"Hey go stop Kookie." I lean over to a busy Taehyung who was getting his makeup taken off like some of the other members. He glances over at Jungkook about to push Jin and rush over. "Jungkookie....we are going to have a nice big yummy meal when we get home okay? Please don't fight with Jin Hyung..." Taehyung frowns as he grasps onto Jungkook's hand and uses his thumb to draw circles on the back of his hand. Then just like that Jungkook looks over to Taehyung and his demeanor softens.

"Your right....I'm sorry Hyung, I'm just hungry." Jungkook bows his head in apology. Turning around in my seat I let one of the makeup artists start to take off my makeup. I close my eyes liking the feeling of the cold wipe against my skin and the exhaustion from the concert kicks in.

"Hehe no stop~"

"You started it and I'm gonna end it~"

"Hyung I'm ticklish stoooop~" My eyebrow twitches annoyed by the voices speaking. It was no other than Jimin and Hoseok. How can they still have any energy left.

"Hoseok. Come." Still with my eyes closed I beckoned Hoseok to come over to me. I was feeling a little weird and didn't know what to do. "Wait no! I still need to talk to you" Jimin says and I open my eyes. What did he need to speak to Hoseok about? I tilt my head curious but watch as Hoseok turn to me.

"Um....sorry Hyung raincheck?" He asks nervously and my expression goes blank. Those words brought back a faint memory that I didn't have the time to remember. "Whatever...." I say getting off the chair and go over to Jungkook and Taehyung.

"I'm telling you if you break it I won't cook for a week!!" Jin gritted his teeth at Namjoon. He holds the little pink device Jin handed him moments ago and nervously turn it on. "Uh....Is it supposed to make that noise?" He asks as the fan. I sigh and slid across Taehyung and Jungkook's laps closing my eyes mentally sulking.

"Hyung what's wrong?" Taehyung somehow could tell and looks down at me my head being in his lap. Jungkook continues to tap away on his phone but rubs my arm to show he was paying some attention to me.

"Don't you think Hoseok is hanging with Jimin a little often these days?" I look up at him and he hums thinking as he opens his mouth to answer Jungkook replies. "I think so like Jimin has been even skipping out on our weekly movie and gaming Fridays for like a month now to hang out with Hoseok Hyung." He puffs up his cheeks looking look a bunny with a mouth full of carrots.

I frown and turn my face to Taehyung's stomach not wanting the other staff to see me. At least it isn't just me. Hoseok was my best friend out of all the members and for him to suddenly ditch me feels...

Like back then...

The memory makes my heart heavy and my feelings for Hoseok increases. Just then Jimin and him enter giggling. "Let's finish later like usual okay?" Hoseok says and I feel a hand on my shoulder. The touch was warm and gentle my body shudders a bit as it responded knowingly to the person it belonged to. My mind wasn't falling for it though.

"Fuck off..." I mumble hugging Taehyung's stomach and shaking his hand off. "Hyung doesn't want to talk." Jungkook says as he pulls my legs closer to his body becoming defensive. Taehyung coughs " He means that Yoongi Hyung is napping haha you know how he gets." Taehyung laughs nervously and there was silence for a moment.

" I guess I will go back to Jimin?" He says confused and something within me didn't want that to happen. I almost fall out of their laps as I reach to grab Hoseok jacket. "Wait!" I shout making him stop in his tracks. 

"Don't leave....."

Author Note: There you have it readers a newly written chapter from us. Please let us know what you think of this as now both me and Valkery will be writing these chapters together as a whole. Also I hope you don't mind us updating the old chapters one by one giving you a new feel of the story. If your a new reader welcome and I hope you enjoy what we have for you. 

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