The Beginning

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Amen's POV

I walked into a small book shop in Southern London and was met with hundreds of stacks of books. The shop itself was small but it was cozy and fit plenty of books.

"Can I help you child." A man with white blonde hair asked.

"I don't think so sir but thank you." I said smiling.

"No need to call me sir, child. My name is Aziraphale. If you need anything just give me a holler." Aziraphale said as he walked over to the other side of the store.

I continued to browse the store for a while then I stopped to check the time and realized I needed to get to work.

"Not going to get anything?" Aziraphale asked as I headed towards the door.

"I can't afford anything and I don't get paid enough to get fun things. I can barely afford food." I said as a tall man with red hair and glasses walked in.

"Are you ready to go to dinner Zira." He asked.

"Crowley can you give me a second I'm with a customer." Aziraphale said, "Sorry child, I can lower the price if you need."

"It's fine Sir. I need to head to work. Have a nice dinner Aziraphale and Mr. Crowley sir." I said as rushed out of the door and off to the restaurant I worked at.

Aziraphale's POV

"Crowley, you scared them off." I said annoyed with the demon.

"Oh please I didn't scare the kid off besides they already seemed on edge." Crowley said taking his glasses off.

"Please they were perfectly fine before you showed up." I replied.

"No the weren't they had bruises on their neck and a bump on their skull." He said.

"I didn't see those." I said confused.

"That would've taken a miracle. C'mon I don't want to have to wait for a seat." He said as I followed him out of the door and into his Bently.

"Where do you think they got those injuries." I asked as we drove to a small restaurant a few blocks away.

"I don't know. It could of been a number of things. Why do you care?" Crowley asked as he parked the car.

"Because no child should ever get hurt like that." I said as we walked inside.

"It happens Angel life can't be perfect." he said as we got seated.

Soon a waiter came over and took our orders and we made small talk about our lives. After a while we heard a commotion over by the kitchen.

"I'm sorry sir." the child from my store said as an older man hit their head with a serving tray, "I'll move faster next time, it's just James was in the way and I..."

"What have I said about excuses." the man said as he slapped them across the face, "Now go deliver the food."

"No Aziraphale." Crowley said as I started to get up.

"But Crowley not even you condone hurting a child." I said.

"I know but how about we eat first deal with bastards later okay." he said as I sat back down.

"Fine." I said.

Crowley's POV

"Who had the crepes?" the kid asked holding our food with a very shaky hand.

"Here." I said grabbing the plates and giving Aziraphale's plate to him.

"I'm sorry sir." They said, "Do you guys need anything else."

"That will be just fine child." Aziraphale said as the kid forced a smile.

As we focused on our food we heard a thump and looked over to see the kid passed out. I froze time and ran over to them to see if they were okay.

"C'mon Crowley we need to take them with us." Zira said walking over to me.

"You're right can you pick them up and take them out front I'll grab their stuff and meet you out there." I said getting ready to head towards the kitchen.

"Yes now unfreeze time." Zira said.

"3, 2, 1, go" I said as I unfroze time and we got to work.

I made my way to the kitchen and found the jacket they were wearing and grabbed it. Then I exited through the back door and met Aziraphale out front.

"Put them in the back and we'll head back to your bookshop." I said as I got into the car.

"Let's go." Zira said as I put the car in drive and raced to his shop.

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