The Beginning of the End pt. 2

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"Oh hello Gabriel." I said turning to face the archangel.

"What are you doing?" Gabriel asked motioning towards the sushi.

"It's sushi. It's quite delicious actually. You want to try some?" I offered.

"No I could never sull my celestial temple with, gross matter." He said as I looked at his outfit, "Yes I do like the clothes. Considering they won't be around much longer."

"What do you mean." I asked.

"Armageddon. Our intel says that the opposition is making big strides to bring it about. And that the demon Crowley, I believe is involved. We need you to keep tabs on what he's doing and make sure you don't get caught." He said getting ready to leave.

"Will do." I said as he started to leave.

"Keep up the good work Aziraphale." Gabriel said as he went back to Heaven.

Amen's POV

When I got home I warmed up a can of tomato soup and quickly ate it. Then I changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt and went to bed. I woke up again and checked the time. It was 9:30 so I decided I'd go see Crowley.

"Dad." I called as I walked out of my room.

The plants were quiet which meant Crowley was asleep or not home so I went and checked his room. I opened the door to a dark room with an empty bed. Usually he would be home by now unless he was at Papa's. I went back to my room and called Aziraphale. No answer. I called Crowley but he also didn't answer. I looked out the window. It was pitch dark out and I felt a lot better. I let my grey wings come out and jumped out the window and towards Zira's place. It didn't take that long to get there since I could fly. I landed on the front step and heard laughter from inside.

"The bookshop is closed." I heard someone say from behind me.

"I know," I said turning around to see the most beautiful guy I've ever seen.

His bright blonde hair was easily visible even in the dark night. His eyes were an icy blue grey that could be seen through his glasses. His sharp jawline stood out compared to his short overall stature.

"Well what are you doing at a closed bookshop?" He asked.

"Looking for my Dad. He's friends with the owner and he isn't responding to his phone. What is a kid doing out so late without his parents?" I asked.

"Hey I'm 16, I'm not a kid. I'm on my way home from work. When I saw a very pretty girl about to knock on the door of a closed bookshop." He said smirking.

"Oh well in that case I guess it's acceptable." I said laughing.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Amen. Yours?" I asked.

"Apollo." He said.

"Are you serious? You're name is actually Apollo?" I asked.

"Yes, yes it is." He said chuckling.

"Well Apollo, you better get home. And I need to find my dad." I said.

"Yeah you're right. Well I hope to run into you again Miss Amen." He said as he waved goodbye and walked off.

"Papa! Dad! What are you guys doing?" I asked as I walked inside.

"Amen? What are you doing here I told you to go home and lie down." Zira said annoyed.

"I'm here because Dad wasn't home and neither of you were answering the phone." I said noticing the 4 empty bottles of wine on the coffee table

"Oh sorry I forgot to tell you that I cut all of the Mobile phone lines." Crowley said.

"Of course you did." I said sighing, "And I'm feeling a lot better now Papa." I said calming Zira down.

"What do you mean feeling better." Crowley asked as he sobered up.

"I had this horrible migraine all day and it wouldn't go away." I explained.

"Oh that was probably the antiChrist." Crowley said.

"The anti Christ you mean it's happening already. What am I supposed to do neither side knows about me." I said.

"Calm down you have 11 years to figure it out." Zira said trying to calm me down.

"And of course I just met a nice guy the day that Armageddon is put in motion." I said sighing.

"What do you mean you met a nice guy?" Crowley asked sitting up.

"Just now outside he asked me why I was about to walk into a closed bookshop. He was really nice actually." I said.

"How old was he?" Crowley asked.

"He said he was 16. Why are you asking so many questions?" I replied.

"Because you are my kid and I don't like people." He responded.

"Well what's his name dear?" Zira asked to calm Crowley down.

"Apollo. Which suits him." I said

"What do you mean?" Crowley asked.

"He had bright blonde hair that looked like sunlight and icy blue grey eyes that shone through his glasses. He looked like Apollo." I said smiling.

"Sounds more like a Nazi to me." Crowley said.

"What the fuck Dad!" I said as I ran out of the store.

The next week:

"Be safe you two." I said as I waved goodbye from the bookshop.

"We will dear." Zira said as he got into Dad's Bentley.

"Be safe kiddo. You have keys to the apartment if you need them. Remember if any angel's come looking for Zira act like you don't know anything. Are you sure you'll be okay?" Crowley asked.

"Yes Dad I will be okay. I'm coming to visit every week or so. I'll be fine. Now please go stop the apocalypse." I said giving him a hug.

"I love you kid." Crowley said as him and dad drove off to go try and influence the antichrist for the better.

As they drive away I realised that this would be the first time in a year that I would be alone again. I avoided being alone because it felt like if I left, they would leave to. I went back inside and got ready to run the bookshop. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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