New Life

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Amen's POV

When I woke up I was back in the bookshop I was in earlier. The last thing I remembered was being at work and I had just served those guys their food but after that was blank.

"Hey your awake." the blonde man, Aziraphale said.

"Why am I here? I should be at work." I said sitting up.

"You're here because you passed out after that bastard hit you and you could barely serve us our food." the man, Crowley said with his sunglasses off.

"Why are your eyes like that?" I asked noticing Crowley's yellow snakelike eyes.

"Well because.." Aziraphale said.

"Don't try lying to me." I said raising my eyebrows at them.

"The truth is I'm a demon from Hell, and he's an angel from Heaven." Crowley said.

"Crowley you can't just tell them that." Aziraphale said looking at demon.

"Why not you wanted to adopt them anyway." Crowley said as Aziraphale gave him an annoyed look, "What it's not like you're entirely hard to read."

"But we don't know if she has parents." Aziraphale said.

"I don't they kicked me out 2 years ago." I said interrupting.

"See and besides I like the kid too and they know about both of us so they have to have both heaven and hell." Crowley said.

"We don't know if that'll work Crowley." Aziraphale said, "It could kill them."

"Whatever it is just do it. I figure it's some rule that you have to make me an angel or demon because you told me the truth so just do it." I said standing up.

"See even... What's your name?" Crowley asked.

"Amen." I replied.

"See even Amen agrees with me." he said to the angel.

"Well let's get on with it then." Azriaphale said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"This may or may not hurt." Crowley said as he copied Aziraphale.

"3, 2, 1." Aziraphale said as a weird feeling started at my shoulders.

The feeling coming from Aziraphale's shoulder was like a cool glass of water was being poured on me. And the feeling coming from Crowley's shoulder was like i was being set on fire. I stood still trying not to shout in pain.

"Not to much longer child." Aziraphale said as the pain started to subside.

"Done." Crowley said as they removed their hands from my shoulders.

"What did that do exactly." I asked.

"Well we basically made you part demon part angel. Since the only people who can now about us are other demons and angels." Aziraphale said.

"I don't think you can miracle things or tempt people but at least be glad Heaven and Hell don't know about you." Crowley said.

"What about my job, if I go back Mr. Chase will kill me." I said worried.

"No you're not going back there." Crowley said sternly.

"Well since I just lost my job, and now can't afford food I guess I should get going so I can eat tonight." I said walking towards the door angrily.

"Wait you can eat with us. And maybe if you like it you can spend the night." Aziraphale said worried.

"Yeah kid I have an extra bedroom at my place you can stay at." Crowley said.

"And you could work here at the bookshop. But please don't ever think about going back there again." Aziraphale said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want to impose and I would probably get you two in trouble." I said sadly.

"We'd be in trouble already if our head offices knew we hung out together." Crowley said.

"Fine I'll stay." I said walking back towards them.

"Great. Crowley it's getting late and Amen is probably tired and needs to rest." Aziraphale said.

"Well let's head back to my place kid." Crowley said as he lead me towards the door, "Night Angel."

"Goodnight Crowley." Aziraphale said as we walked out of the door.

Crowley's POV

I lead the kid towards my 1926 Bentley and got inside.

"So now that Aziraphale isn't around. How long have you liked him." Amen said smiling.

"What the fuck. I don't like him." I responded, starting the car.

"Yes you do. I can tell by the way you look at him that you're hopelessly in love." they said as we speed towards my flat.

"How do I look at him then? We've been friends for 6000 years." I said as I quickly stopped the car in front of my building.

"Your eyes practically form hearts when you look at him. And wow 6000 years, have you liked him for that long?" They asked following me into the building.

"No kid not for the entire 6000 years, but most of it. Happy now?" I said unlocking my apartment door.

"Well I think he likes you back." they said as we walked into my apartment, "Oh wow this is amazing."

"Welcome home kid." I said smiling as they looked around in wonder.

"Wait you mean I can stay here forever?" they asked in shock.

"Well maybe one day you'll get your own place. But if you don't want to you can live here forever. Besides you're immortal now so you're going to be on earth for a long time." I said.

"So does that mean I'll be 14 forever?" they asked groaning.

"You can age if you want, when you want and as fast as you want." I said leading them towards their room.

"So this is my room?" they asked.

"Yep, you can decorate it if you like, just think of what you want." I said getting ready to snap my fingers, "Got it?"
"Yeah." they said as I snapped my fingers.

Now the room changed colours based on what Amen wanted at the time and was filled with modern furniture. There was a large bookshelf that took up the wall opposite of the bed. It was filled to the brim with different books. Also there was a small wardrobe that would give them whatever outfit they wanted when they wanted to change. There was a modern phone on the nightstand with some earbuds.

"Wow thank you so much! This is amazing!" they said looking around the room.

"Not what I expected a teenagers room to look like." I said as I looked around.

"Could I ask for one more favour?" they asked.

"What is it?" I asked

"Can you change my hair?" 

Heaven, Hell and the one in Betweenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن